Oh no – not essays again! No matter how easy it may seem to write a text on a certain topic, various traps lurk behind this – absolutely undesirable, though, in cases we want to get the best possible marks. Or there are simply individuals who do better in natural sciences and other disciplines, while writing is definitely not their strong point. Ah, university charms… You just envy all those talented university mates who are able to put together such an amazing piece and overshadow every professor in a couple of hours. And all that while you secretly get green with envy. Nevertheless – it may seem that this task is performed successfully only by those who were born under a lucky star, but this isn’t necessarily true. If you look a little closer, it’s not so tough to realize that it’s a matter of tactics – and technique. And of a little bit of luck.
So, there’s a gift for you here – six steps on making your essay writing practice meet the perfection.
1. Make a writing plan

Do you already know what topic is waiting for you? That’s a great start. Before delving into its development and finding relevant data that’ll enrich your expression, what you need to do is determine the main parts of the essay and make a plan and program according to which the writing will take place.
Each paper of this type consists of a certain number of sequences. First of all, an appropriate introduction in which we’ll present the topic and make an initial consideration that’ll direct the reader more closely to the subject of study. The body of the paper serves to expand and explain everything using citations from quality studies, and it can be divided into several smaller units or paragraphs. Finally, the conclusion summarizes and explains the point of everything written in a few sentences and forms a final opinion.
Text that isn’t divided in this way has a high chance of turning into a real mess, so make a list of parts, possible subtitles, and wholes, and stick to it completely.
2. Do a thorough research

The plan continues by doing the basic part of the job, and that would be a detailed and in-depth search through which you’ll come up with quality sources for your essay. There are several ways you can do this. Primarily, that good old custom that never gets obsolete despite all the latest features of technology – the library.
Encyclopedias and manuals are almost at your fingertips anytime and you can spend as much time as you wish to take notes and to highlight applicable parts that you can use. Or just read about the topic and prepare by acquiring knowledge.
In addition to this option, the use of modern solutions such as the almighty internet never fails. True that, unlike books and libraries that belong to recommended and solid sources, online sites are often full of information whose credibility is in question. Avoid pages such as Wikipedia and other similar or unverified sites, as this can affect the overall quality of what you write.
Write down and single out all the facts that might be relevant, and determine how you’ll arrange them within the text and follow them up. The rest is up to you and the way you want to set up and shape your creation.
3. Don’t ever plagiarize

In simple and sarcastic terms, plagiarism is “only” duplication of the original without indicating the authorship – with the addition of its signature on the copy – while the “first copy” remains with the owner, its first creator. Indeed, plagiarism is much more than just theft. It’s a form of forgery in which someone else’s intellectual property is taken unauthorizedly and irrevocably for their own benefit. That’s precisely what happens when you take any piece of information from any kind of resource, but don’t specify the one who actually wrote it.
When it’s uncertain whether you can do this properly, it isn’t scary to seek help. Let’s just say it’s not the most ideal option. However, if your essay is only part of your pre-examination assignments and you need it urgently, certain individuals and teams are often more than happy to provide some excellent content in a timely manner. The most important fact – it won’t be plagiarized in any way. This is what brought the success to writemyessays.me, as this type of service has become quite popular lately.
Plagiarism is punishable in many countries and is particularly tightly controlled at universities, where finding an illegally copied piece of study might result in removal from the institution or legal problems. Remember – it’s not cool to take someone else’s ideas, no matter how much we don’t have inspiration or don’t know how to do it ourselves. Therefore, try to get the motivation from the pieces of other authors and make sure to emphasize if you quote any of them.
4. Avoid irrelevant references and spreading the topic

A specific topic is given to you for a reason and is mostly determined by its title – it covers what the primary goal of the research is. If it isn’t requested to talk about side things, then don’t do it. Focus on the units that fully correspond to the topic you’re examining, pay attention to them, and try to present them as well as possible.
Writing meaningless things so that you have more words in the essay and ‘masking’ superfluous information is often quite noticeable and doesn’t bring anything good. The bibliography should contain only studies and papers that have actually been used, and nothing should be added to the list that has nothing to do with the field in question.
5. Take care of grammar and punctuation

The role of an academic citizen, or someone who’s at least on the way to becoming something like that, includes basic knowledge of their own language and its rules. This means that your essay, in addition to being complete in content, must also embody adherence to all language rules.
There shouldn’t be any spelling mistakes and extra spaces and commas in it, but you should also avoid stylistic errors. If required, revise it several times, correcting everything you come across, until you’re pretty satisfied with it yourself. Grammar and spelling need to be impeccably accurate, as this also reflects the seriousness with which you approached the assignment.
6. Ask for another opinion

Of course, after so much information and research, you are the one who understands the sphere best, more than your friends, colleagues, or anyone close to you. However, just to make sure that what you have done is well-built and sounds good, don’t be afraid to share your doubts with someone and ask for a second opinion.
It can be one of your friends, fellow students, parents, but also the professor who assigned you the topic. Fortunately, almost all mentors are available for consultations of these kinds and they’ll be happy to meet you when they realize that you’re trying hard and that you want to do everything in the most detailed way you can. Ask that person what they would praise in your presentation, what needs to be changed, and for the overall impression. Then reconsider everything once again – just in case.
Fortunately, nowadays we’re qualified for a thousand ways to progress in any aspect, and this sphere has also gained the great potential to develop and get quite decent representatives. We know, it can be terribly boring and dry. But remember – it’s not just writing letters on a piece of paper or typing a bunch of keys on the keyboard. It’s called working on yourself and making progress. And numerous useful things come out of it, but the most prominent is definitely the preparation for academic life, which can bring various accolades in your future career. Sounds ambitious, doesn’t it? Let the party begin!