The essay is one of the most important parts of the application because it gives you the opportunity to present yourself the best you can and prove why you are the right candidate for that university.
The commission wants to further evaluate your communication, organizational as well as writing skills. Next, your academic capacity and intellectual maturity are assessed.
This is especially important in situations where there are no interviews. Then the essay speaks for you. The emphasis is on your personality and the committee wants to make sure that not only will you be successful in your chosen studies, but that the university is the right choice for you.
Be unique and interesting

Tip: It’s okay to be humorous in an essay, but take care of the humor! It is very important that your letter can be read by as many different people and if possible from other backgrounds than the one you are originally from.
If you are not sure what a good college application essay should look like, we are here to make the application process easier for you. So let’s start…
You already know how to write a classic academic essay. Now forget about that, because applying for college is something completely different.
Here’s what it is: You should explain in a convincing way why you are the right candidate for the program. Describe your relevant knowledge, skills and interests, why you want to enroll in your chosen program, and how it fits into your long-term goal in the future.
Explain further how you can contribute to the already diverse student community of the program you are applying to with your past experiences. Take the time to think about what you want to express with your essay and find the best way to convey that message.
Also, keep in mind the technical parameters of writing, the clear and reasoned expression of thoughts and ideas, and the requirements of individual schools regarding the number of words and possibly the prescribed size and format of letters.
Even though you write about your life, make sure you choose a specific period of your life and focus on that moment, so focus on the story behind it. Remember, your application should not look like a 700-word life story.
Now that you have a rough idea of what your application should look like, let’s get you started.

Take the time to understand the question asked – Make it easy for yourself while writing. Take enough time to understand the question.
The most important part of your essay preparation may be simply ensuring that you truly understand the question you are asked. When you are done writing, you need to make sure that you have fully complied with the questions.
Topics that raise different questions can contain two ideas or topics of focus. They range from personal to trivial, but each is tasked with driving your creativity and insight into the work.
Tip: Read the questions repeatedly, consider whether this requires you to be more informed.
Concept – Allow your creativity to think through all the possible ideas you can think of. This is how you solve your essay question.
Believe it or not, this phase can be more tedious than writing an essay and applying it. The point is to bring together all your possible ideas so that when you start writing you know and understand where you are going with the topic.
Reflection. Take the time to mentally gather relevant experiences or events that serve as concrete examples. Also, the time is right for self-reflection.

Tips: Ask yourself a question – What are my strengths, as best friends describe me, what sets me apart from other candidates?
Choose three concepts that you think best fit your college application and measure their potential. Think about what idea you can keep developing without losing the reader’s attention.
Choose one of the thoughts. Your story. You should now have enough details to rely on it as a good demonstration of your abilities, accomplishments, perseverance, and beliefs.
Sites like can help you not only with this topic but with everything related to your college enrollment. Don’t be lazy, but take full advantage of the internet.
Create Structure – Create a mind map. Follow your thoughtful draft of what you will write by having a plan.
Create a clear structure consisting of multiple sections. Everything must have its beginning, middle, and end. This is no different. After this, your work will be coherent and easy to read.
Strategy – Will you open the essay with an anecdote, question or dialogue? Identify the tone of the essay that is based on your ideas.
Stick to your writing style – By planning the layout of what you are writing in advance, you can avoid unwanted style changes throughout the story.
Start writing – Once you are comfortable with the concept, start writing.

You should now know exactly what you will write about and how you plan to tell the story. So, approach your computer and try to follow the draft you made.
Don’t change your plan – Then go back and revise constantly. Before you know it, you’ll be telling your idea that you’ve come up with – you’ll be happy to spend so much time preparing!
Keep the focus. Don’t lose your reader. Follow the main idea from start to finish. Be unique. Avoid using clichéd, predictable terms. Only include information that is absolutely necessary.
Examine – The final step is arranging and proofreading the completed essay.
You worked so hard and finally took the burden off, but remember. The job is not done yet. Your essay is only good if the editing is just as good. A single grammatical or typing error is enough to indicate negligence – and you do not want to pass that error on to the commission.
Do not rely solely on computer spelling and grammar. They cannot detect the context in which you use the words, so review them carefully.

Read inversely – This may sound a little ridiculous to you, but when you read in sequence, your brain tends to assemble the missing information or fill in the blank for you. While doing this, read aloud – this will give you a better understanding of punctuation accuracy.
Don’t forget information – When submitting an essay, remember to enter your name, contact information, and identification number. This is especially important if the college does not have a separate e-mail for applications, but rather all mail arrives at one address.
Be sure to keep copies of everything you send to the university. You don’t want all that effort to end up in the waste.
Your essay is your story and your college enrollment card!
We hope that with our help you will get wind in the back, support and that the editing process will be much easier. Nevertheless, the greatest merit belongs only to you and it is your greatest success!