If you have a WordPress site or you want to start a blog, then, by now, you must have heard about CDN. However, many people still don’t quite understand what is it for and what advantages it provides for you. Therefore, in the following text, we will present what benefits CDN can provide for your WordPress site.
How Does CDN Hosting Help Us?

People who are into design, web servers, sites, and blog creation, know very well what is this all about and how many advantages CDN offers. To clarify this term, we could say that it is actually a content and data delivery network. In short, it is a group of web servers placed in several different locations in the world – that deliver the static content of the web page to users by using the nearest servers. So, it is a network that provides content delivery – where we have servers scattered all over the world at our disposal. These servers are designed for transferring static files. For instance, if you have an image and you use this type of hosting, it will be cached on all servers. When a user requests this file, instead of transferring data from the origin server, say in China – the CDN provider will do it from the closest location.
How Does It Work?
DNS technology is responsible for this work. Namely, CDN uses DNS technology that distributes static site content to the location closest to your user. Thus, your web page guests will be automatically connected to the closest server which improves your web page loading speed, security, reliability, and overall — it saves time.
Why Is It Considered To Be The Best Plugin?

Today, the majority of websites are created in WordPress, so users believe that having this type of plugin is the best thing you can do for yourself. Certainly, user experiences encourage us to start using it and also do research on whether and why CDN is such a useful plugin. We can say there are many important reasons for opting for this type of hosting. Don’t forget that when using it, you can do literally countless complex things on your web page. However, most users do it for making their site loading faster. Let’s see what makes CDN such a useful plugin.
• Improved site speed
As we have already mentioned, speed is the primary reason why users opt for CDN. Namely, we all wish for a fast-loading website – and the vast majority of website owners will do just about anything to make their pages as fast as they can be. According to Agilecdn.cloud, this is the right solution for improving the speed of your site. It reduces latency and enables faster page loading – resulting in a good user experience and site visitor satisfaction.
• Stability and functionality
A CDN hosting and servers will reduce the loading pressure on the main server. It does that by distributing data across multiple different servers. Therefore, the possibility of the central server being crashed down is reduced – and that automatically gives much better stability and functionality to the server itself.
• Improved user experience
As we have already stated — the CDN server reduces the loading time and the server crashes. That way we can accomplish a better customer experience, even in situations when the traffic flow is high. In short, it is of great benefit to everyone in the online world — from corporations to small cooking blog owners. Technology is developing more every day – and the speed of your site can be beneficial even if you own the simplest WordPress blog. All this brings us to another advantage, and that is SEO. Using this plugin will go in favor of your SEO. That means your site will rank better on Google, and visitors will be more satisfied with the page loading speed. Simple and logical.
• Site optimization for search engines
And again, everything is somehow related to speed. Namely, a website with a lot of visits, say thousands per day, which takes less than a second to load the relevant content on it – will come quickly to the top of the organic Google search. To rank well and reach that holy grail of the first search page, you have to optimize your site well.
Who Else Uses This Plugin?
We can say this plugin is useful to everyone! CDN is not only suitable for bloggers and WordPress sites – but it is widely used by large companies and even state institutions. This says a lot about the security and stability of this kind of server usage. Namely, we have an example of e-commerce sites – where CDN helps to quickly and efficiently deliver content to their users. That is very important, especially in cases of high traffic flow – and this often happens, for example, during the holidays when people shop more online. Also, we have an example of state institutions that have websites with a large amount of data since they provide citizens with information of public importance. By using a CDN, they accomplish their task far more efficiently. We don’t even have to mention that these plugins are used on banking sites – as well as those that market media content and are full of data that needs to reach users quickly.
Choosing A CDN: Factors To Consider

For sites like blogs, you should make a good choice of hosting services, You can find companies that offer CDN services free of charge. Many of them provide you with tutorials – so this can be a good solution. However, for more serious sites such as those dealing with e-commerce, you must determine certain criteria when choosing such hosting. Therefore, pay attention to several of the most important criteria. First, it’s the location – since the hosting company needs to have servers in locations where most of your visitors and users come from. Then, pay attention to the price of such a service. Some companies provide this service free of charge- but you should see what features are offered and whether it meets the needs of your website. And finally, the company should provide you with customer support that should always be available. Only, in that case, you can safely manage your account.