Volleyball Positions of Players

Volleyball Positions of Players

A volleyball team consists of six people, each of whom performs a specific task. Probably everyone has played volleyball at least once, but hardly anyone has thought about the role they play in this team game. Everyone knew that players must change position by moving clockwise on the court at the end of each serve.

In amateur volleyball, players change positions and any volleyball player can serve or attack, receive and return the ball or pass. Let’s look at the positions of players in volleyball and their roles.
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What positions in volleyball exist and their names

In professional volleyball, each player on the court occupies their own position, have certain functions, the fulfillment of which is only their task. The position taken depends on skills and physical data.

Possession of this information will allow you to better understand the various game moments that take place on the volleyball court. The diagram shows the arrangement of players on the court, each position is labeled with a number. Let’s look at the main positions of each player and find out what roles exist in the professional game of volleyball.


This is the most important role in volleyball. It is the liaison who chooses the direction in which the attack will be made. He is also responsible for the correct execution of a particular combination. On the diagram the position of the liaison is marked with the number one, although his position may change. The liaison may be called a passer, distributor, distributor, passer, and finisher.

Since the liaison is responsible for the forward, he is often called the. Poor play by the liaison and forward threatens the team with a point loss. With quality play, the liaison can help a team earn a lot of points. Players who can make the pass in difficult situations are valued, so excellent physical skills are important for the liaison position. A liaison also needs to be able to make lightning fast decisions, but to be strategic and have good reactions.

A liaison can not only make passes, but also receive the ball or make an attack if the situation on the court requires it. There are situations in which the liaison suddenly throws the ball to the opponent’s side into an empty zone immediately after receiving it. However, his main task remains the delivery of accurate and comfortable passes.

Center blocker or first pace player

Source: goldmedalsquared.com

First pace attackers are usually located in the area marked with the number three. The very phrase “first tempo” means that the team members playing in these positions make lightning-fast attacks and stump the opponent’s defense.

They may attack immediately after receiving the ball with the second touch or after making a short pass from the tiebreaker. First-pace players also serve as center blockers. The position of blocker is not a separate position, every attacking player can perform this task. Because of the position of the first-pace players at the net, they are always on the block. They are usually the tallest players.

Second-Tempo Forward or Doubles Player

The positions of the second pace attackers are usually located either in the offensive zone on the edges or in the defensive zone. The second tempo combination (“Pipe”) is behind the three-meter line. The location of this position is indicated on the diagram by the numbers two, four and six.

Much depends on the strategy chosen by the coach, and there are formations in which the back row player can be brought in to attack without a block as a result of a certain combination. The functions of second tempo players are not limited to offense, they can be blockers, they can pass or receive the ball.

Diagonal striker

Source: m.youtube.com

The diagonal attacker in volleyball must be physically prepared to launch a powerful attack. The diagonal attacker is often the one who brings the ball from the lineman to the diagonal attacker, so that the diagonal attacker can score more points than the other players on the team.

The diagonal striker must block and direct the ball into the free zone. Since their positioning usually corresponds to the second or fourth position in the offensive line, they are not involved in receiving the ball. Players in this role are usually over two meters tall.


Source: gojaspers.com

Volleyball is considered a game for tall men and women. For a long time, athletes of short stature could not play professional volleyball. Therefore, in 1998 the International Volleyball Federation changed the rules and introduced the position of defender (libero).

The defender is located on the back line and is exclusively engaged in defense, on the diagram their positions of defenders are marked with numbers six, five and one. The main task (role) of the libero is to receive the ball and bring it to the liaison as comfortably as possible.

The defender may not take part in blocking, serving or attacking from the front line. However, he is not prohibited from throwing the ball over the net to the opponent’s side from the back line.

The libero differs from the other players on the team by his contrasting playing form. He is not in the game all the time and can be substituted, volleyball rules do not limit the number of such substitutions. The success of the team depends on the libero’s good defensive play.


In addition to all of the roles listed above, there has been a recent emergence of more narrowly focused players – pitchers. According to the rules, all players on the team except the libero must be able to serve. Some hard practicing players can do it particularly well.

A server does not have a specific position on the court. He usually appears on the volleyball court just before he serves. Sometimes serveers can make five or six in a row for their team with a clever serve.

FAQ for volleyball player positions

Source: rider.edu

What is a player’s role in volleyball?

A role is a specific position of a player on the court, which corresponds to his physical data and acquired skills.

What is the correct position for a libero?

A libero must have the correct position on the court, be ready to take a shot and serve the ball to support the team’s attack.

What is the correct way to serve to a player?

When taking a serve, it is important to choose the point of contact with the ball, keep your balance and place your hands exactly up to control the direction of the ball.

What does it mean to be a swiper (striker)?

Swipers (hitters) are volleyball players who attack the ball on a set by executing different strokes such as an overhand, underhand or tuck shot.

What can I do to improve my game at the blocker position?

To improve your game at the blocker position, you need to develop your reaction speed, coordination and improve your blocking technique.

How to make a good backvolley?

To make a successful back volley, a player must practice the technique, including proper body, leg and arm positioning, so that he can execute the shot with confidence.

About Adam Miller