Your doctor may not be so direct when suggesting which compression garment to wear after your liposuction procedure. While a compression garment is recommended for you, most doctors leave the choice and options to the patient. We understand that recovery is already quite a lot to deal with and you wouldn’t want to take up the stress of picking out a compression garment from the plethora of options available. With this article, the choice will be made easier for you. Now the recovery process can begin!
The first thing we will do is take a look at why compression garments are so important to the recovery process. Your skin would probably be very loose after liposuction and would need some time to firm up and return to its original state. It is at this point that compression garments from ContourMD offer so much.
Made of elastic, surgical garments are designed to fit snugly around the surgical area. Its function is to reduce the swelling that comes after liposuction and also to help the skin tighten up again. Another benefit derived from wearing compression garments immediately after surgery is the support it provides.
After surgery you will experience muscle weakness, the garment will provide you with the support you need as you go through the healing process. Some doctors will put a compression garment on you immediately after surgery while some others will simply give you one to wear. If your surgeon doesn’t give you one, you can always purchase one for yourself.

What are the differences between male and female compression garments?
Compression garments give your body a streamlined appearance even when you still have that extra flesh around the stomach and some other places like the arms, legs, chest, and others. They are indispensable for everyone looking to get through the post-liposuction healing process. When it comes to post-op healing, compression garments are useful in several ways including enhanced healing and the reduction of the swelling all of which mean a quick convalescent period. They also protect the surgery area from infection.
Compression garments are produced using a specially compressed material. By nature, these garments are designed to offer a snug fit the purpose of which is to apply mild surface pressure to the body. This pressure enhances blood and oxygen circulation especially around the area over which the compression garment is worn. This reaction leads to the reduction of swelling. You can get compression garments in all shapes and sizes. Besides sizes, you can choose compression garments based on the part of the body on which the surgery was carried out.
Compression garments are also perfect for absorbing perspiration and controlling the body temperature no matter the weather. Besides these, the garments offer a hiding place for extra flesh while keeping your body in an aesthetically pleasing state. Whether it is for males or females, the material is the same for all compression garments. It is in the shape of the garment that they differ because men and women sport different body shapes and also the snug-fitting nature of compression garments.

Besides shape and fitting, size is also important. You would notice that making upper garments like bras for women can be tricky while making the same for a man is one of the simplest things you can do. Compression garments have adjustable chest straps designed to hold the garment and a side zipper designed to make putting the garment on and off easy.
You will find more of women’s garments in such varieties as pants, girdles, and vests and less of men’s garments in such categories. This is because men don’t put on a lot of weight in places like the chest and don’t undergo a lot of liposuction in that area. Women, on the other hand, get liposuction procedures done in several areas of the body like the arm, waist, stomach, chest, legs, and others.
In most online stores like ContourMD, you will find that different sections house compression garments for men and women. It makes it easy for you to hop in and take a look at what is available. You don’t necessarily have to wait until you have a medical condition, you can use compression clothing to give yourself that thick look you desire. Trust me, you’re self-confidence will go up a notch.
If you’re wondering whether compression garments can be washed, here’s how to care for garments.

Because compression garments are more or less medical devices, they demand greater care than your regular clothes. For instance, due to the high-performance fabric, compression garments are moisture-wicking and you must try and maintain this aspect of your garment. To do this and give your garment a longer life span, you will have to wash your compression garments daily.
If you don’t wash every day, salts and oils secreted by your skin can lead to a breakdown of the fibers of the garment. The care instructions on the garments state that you can either wash by hand or using a washing machine. Whichever option you chose, remember this one rule; never use bleach on your garment.
When exposed to bleach, it can break down the strength of the fibers used in making the compression garment. Don’t use Woolite, it contains bleach. You are advised to avoid using fabric softener on your garment because the pores of the garment can be clogged by the fatty materials which form a part of the makeup of fabric softeners.
This clogging of the pores inhibits the moisture-wicking quality of compression garments.

Fabrics should be spread flat after washing. Make sure it is spread on a surface where it will not be disturbed as it air dries. You can tumble some garments to dry on a cool setting but expert opinion suggests that air drying is a more beneficial option.
No matter how careful you are, don’t wear compression garments longer than six months. Replace them at the end of six months. To enjoy the benefits to the fullest, you may want to own more than one garment.
If you alternate garments daily, you will be able to maintain the elasticity of your garment and prolong your use of the garment. You should discuss other specifics with your primary care doctor, including the length of time you should wear your compression garment daily.