Every single company, regardless of its product, service, or sector of activity, is always trying to reach current and prospective customers online. Consequently, there has never been a better time to be a digital marketing entrepreneur. In fact, digital marketing has been listed as one of the most resilient and profitable tech jobs of 2022.
To be a successful digital marketing entrepreneur, you need to be interested in data analytics; you need to be able to create decent content – write a compelling email or social media post, and you need to have the discipline and tech-savvy it takes to be an online entrepreneur like Robert Kormoczi.
Additionally, a craftsman is only as good as his or her tools. So, in this article, we’ve selected 6 tools for every marketing entrepreneur. should at least be familiar with, if not used on a daily basis.
1. Surfer

Surfer is an online analytics tool that allows you to get an in-depth insight into what a particular web page is doing to garner as much traffic as it does. Keep a close eye on your competitors, mimic their strategy, while keeping tabs and tracking the progress of your own work.
Surfer is fairly intuitive, but it is also quite complex in all the features it has and what you can actually do with it. For this reason, it’s a good idea to go through the many tutorials and masterclasses they offer free of charge. These courses include how to effectively use Surfer, SEO writing masterclass, punctual SEO Roast webinars where SEO experts review web pages and talk about why they aren’t performing well, and much more.
2. Ahrefs

Ahrefs works in much the same way as Surfer does. But the old adage is true: two heads are better than one. A successful digital marketing entrepreneur should be using both Surfer and Ahrefs in a complementary fashion.
With Ahrefs, you can conduct thorough website audits, find what users are looking for and what keywords you are more likely to rank high for.
Ahrefs also offers free intensive online training courses so that you can not only use Ahrefs effectively, but so that you can sharpen your digital marketing skills, rank high for the keywords that are important to you, and reach the maximum number of appropriate people with your digital marketing message.
3. ActiveCampaign

Part of any effective digital marketing campaign will include emails and follow-ups. This is where a successful digital marketing entrepreneur will need to solicit help from automation software such as ActiveCampaign
For eCommerce, B2B companies, and B2C companies, ActiveCampaign is an automation platform designed to help you to
- Find the right prospects with precise, targeted campaigns
- Nurture your leads through engaging follow-ups
- Convert through well-timed CTAs
- Develop a community of satisfied, evangelized users through engaging a well-timed automated campaigns
ActiveCampaign continuously puts out webinars with valuable tips and advice for digital marketing entrepreneurs. Some of their past webinars include: migration, even tracking, deliverability, split testing, lead scoring, and a host of other topics pertinent to the field of digital marketing.
4. Hootsuite

A successful digital marketing entrepreneur cannot rely on just one social media platform. He or she must be active on all the relevant social media platforms at the same time. He or she must continuously post content and engage with their followers.
Being as active as you’d need to be on various social media platforms concurrently would take far too much time if you were to do it on your own. That’s why a successful digital marketing entrepreneur needs to solicit help from a social media platform manager like Hootsuite.
With this online platform, you will be able to automate and schedule posts on all your social media sites from the same place; track conversions, trends, and brand mentions; review your social analytics platform to see what’s working and what isn’t, and tweak your campaigns accordingly; and so much more.
There is also a Hootsuite Academy where you can sharpen your skills with certification courses such as Advanced Social Advertising or Foundations of Social Advocacy. While most of these courses come at a cost, with some it is possible to simply follow the course for free and only pay if you wish to receive the certificate.
5. Trello

Trello is a project management tool beloved by startups, busy entrepreneurs and project managers for allocating and dividing tasks between team members. It helps with work management, especially after 2020, when curfew and limited office access made communication more difficult. Trello is like a virtual board that helps manage automate tedious tasks, and collaborate anywhere, even on mobile. It is great for in-house teams and indispensable for remote teams scattered across the world.
6. Slack

Slack is an online communication platform that allows people within a business or team to communicate fast and efficiently with one another. Is a messaging app, it works both in real time and asynchronously, making it good for hybrid and all-remote work environments. Slack creates a more spirited environment than many other business communication apps, and the ability to customize your app to a fine degree is a huge selling point.
While there are many people out there who adore Slack, it’s not without any downsides. One of the key disadvantages has to do with its costs. more than just about every other team messaging app out there, and that was true long before the September 2022 price increase. Additionally, if you use the app with its default settings, it can be an over-stimulating nightmare.
Final remarks
Digital marketing is a skill that is in extremely high demand right now and there is a lot to learn to understand every aspect of it. And there is nothing in the market to suggest that that trend won’t continue into the foreseeable future.
All the tools you need to use to be a successful digital marketing entrepreneur provide free online tutorials and webinars. So, it is possible to get into the lucrative field of digital marketing with little to no experience or training.
However, you will need to come to the field with a genuine thirst for knowledge and a genuine desire to work hard.