TikTok: Gaining popularity among traders
A good marketer knows that the only way to get ahead of the competition is to use a proactive approach to developing marketing strategies. Using a Tick Tok for your business is a well-thought-out decision, not a bold assumption, let’s take as an example the growing popularity of the Bitsgap platform that have found their vocation and gained great popularity among professional traders and young people.
What kind of platform is this?

TikTok is a powerful trendsetting platform with a feed of recommendations. This feed adapts to the user’s interests and shows potentially interesting content to him: cooking videos, analysis of hockey matches, humorous videos, reviews of cosmetics, surprisingly, even reviews on cryptocurrencies, trading, coinobots, and etc, are gaining more and more popularity and finding their interested viewers.
Trends and video formats of this platform can also be used for advertising purposes. In this article, we will analyze which products are better to advertise in TikTok and how to do it more effectively, and then together we will set up your first advertising campaign.
TikTok’s posts

TikTok is not a playground for children and teenagers, but an entertainment platform for users of all ages with a variety of interests. You can find paying customers here.
As a rule, people come to TikTok for entertainment content. The user comes to distract himself from work, watch interesting videos, laugh, and save useful videos, so it may be easier to work with the B2C segment here.
Despite the fact that the recommendations feed is customized according to the user’s interests, it is worth choosing products of wide demand for advertising. If you have a product for a small segment of the audience, then it will be difficult for algorithms to find your potential buyer.
TikTok has its own advertising policy. Read it before setting up advertising campaigns.
Let’s take the first step towards advertising on this platform and figure out how to configure it.
Launching the first campaign

First, create a profile in the TikTok For Business advertising cabinet. The platform will prompt you to enter a link to your site. The landing page should be selling and attractive. Think about where the link will lead — to the main page or to a section with certain products.
Next step: Fill in the details for invoicing. You need to enter a postal address and zip code, select an area and indicate whether you represent an agency.
After that, choose a convenient payment method.
Important: If you choose automatic withdrawals, do not forget to set a limit for a specific advertising campaign. Otherwise, you may receive an invoice for a larger amount than you planned.
Then select the advertising platform mode. It can be changed at any time. The simplified model is suitable for you if you want to create campaigns quickly and already understand which banners and videos your audience will definitely like. If you are not sure and want to devote a lot of time to analyzing an advertising campaign, then a specialized mode will help you. You will be able to see the necessary indicators and conversions and make a conclusion about the success of advertising.

First, you need to choose whether to create an ad or use an existing one.
Let’s analyze the campaign setup using the example of a new ad.
Select a campaign goal. This point should be taken carefully. For example, if your goal is the maximum number of leads, then the coverage goal may not always provide them. And an advertiser who wants to increase the number of views, on the contrary, the “Conversion” goal may not give the desired coverage.
The goal is followed by fairly simple parameters: you need to name your ad group and decide whether your users will be able to leave comments and download ads. The platform recommends leaving the commenting function.
Another important stage begins: defining the audience. With correctly specified interests and socio-demographic characteristics, your advertising will work many times better.
Let’s assume that you are a cosmetics brand that promotes a line of oxygen masks for dry skin. It depends on this stage who will see your advertisement — solvent young women and girls interested in self-care, or men who have already signed up for a barbershop this week before going to a football match.
Enter your location, gender, and age. Pay attention to the plus file icon in the “Audience” column. Clicking on it will open a new window with additional audience settings. There you can enter interests and key queries.
Click “Create an Audience”. You will have the opportunity to create a user base or a similar audience. In the first variant, the cabinet offers many options for uploading users to the database for advertising. After looking at this data, the cabinet algorithm will independently analyze the patterns of behavior and interests of your users.
Go back to the audience settings tab. The platform will offer you to choose the interests of potential customers. We immediately see the category for the line of oxygen masks from the last example.
Scroll through this list and determine what is interesting to the buyers of your product.
What if we want to sell masks only in Spain and only to Spanish-speaking women and are not ready to deliver them all over the world or translate labels? It would be logical to run ads on users who speak Spanish. Choose a language if this is a matter of principle for you.
In the field below, you can specify user actions. The more precise and specific data about interests you enter into the settings, the better. Don’t make the circle of interests too large or too narrow.
In the first case, it will confuse the algorithms, and in the second, it will significantly narrow the audience and may cut off potential customers from your advertising.
Set a budget and display time. The budget can be daily and general. It is important to set the limits here so that you do not spend more than the planned amount on advertising.
You can display ads throughout the day or focus on the peaks of audience activity.
Check the target and the frequency limit of impressions. And then — specify your betting strategy. Focus on the budget: the strategy with the lowest cost will help you achieve maximum results, but the price may be higher than you expected. A strategy with average indicators will allow you to evenly distribute costs across the days of the campaign.
The final stage. Select the name of the ad and specify the profile in the field below. Then attach the prepared advertising creatives to the campaign. The text is also better to come up with in advance. It plays a special role because it can additionally attract your users or give them useful information about a product, service, or promotion.
If nothing comes to mind at all, you can trust the “Smart Text” function. She will make several promotional offers for you. Here’s how it works:
Specify additional URL links and pixels and click on the “Send” button. Ready! Your ad is sent to the moderators for review.
How to increase the effectiveness of advertising

We have prepared for you several life hacks that will make your advertising even more successful:
Study the trends of TikTok. Trends — sounds, song excerpts, editing techniques, user actions. Trending videos are rapidly gaining popularity, users often see them and actively react to trends with topics interesting to them. And if a person has already reacted to such a video, then your advertisement with the same trend will be emotionally close to him.
Address the audience in simple language. TikTok is a platform for sincerity and creativity, it is not suitable for clerical work, dry text, and official appeals. Use conversational style in advertising texts and slogans.
Open all the question marks that are placed next to the functions. Often the platform itself suggests when it is better to use one or another option. Do not give up the opportunity to learn more about this site.