When you are working out you need to pay attention to your nutrition, among other things. What do we do? We pay the least amount on that and everything else gets the spotlight.
Today we will put nutrition in the first plan and talk about BCAA. This is for all of you who train hard every day, that put extra effort into power training if you are using weights, callisthenics, walking and similar things. Doing these means you will get or you already get a sore body and muscles meaning your body needs amino acids as well as your branch chain amino acids which is the title of this topic – BCAA.
For those of you that do not already know this, amino acids are your building blocks of protein and what BCAAs do for you is help to increase your performance, increase muscle growth and sometimes they even aid in weight loss by helping your body breakdown foods at a much faster pace. When it comes to BCAA there are a lot of different types and manufacturers out there and they are all high quality. This is why we won’t recommend any particular one but there is a place – suppsrus.com.au that has these and they have a big selection so you can pick and choose to your liking.
It’s important to consider the quality and purity of the product. Look for supplements that are third-party tested and certified to ensure that they meet strict quality and purity standards.
Furthermore, it’s important to note that while BCAAs can be beneficial for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, they may not be suitable for everyone. People with certain medical conditions or who are taking certain medications should consult with a healthcare professional before taking BCAA supplements.
What we can recommend you do is check out each packaging and see what its content is after you google out which are the best and most essential amino acids that your body needs. After you do that, pick the flavour, brand and packaging you need and the one that will help your training regime and program.
Most of us wonder and the question we have set to answer today is when to use your BCAA.
The answer is so straightforward you wouldn’t believe it – you can use it whenever you like. Before the workout, after it or during the workout it doesn’t matter.

It can be a personal preference, to be honest, but what we have noticed is that if you use it during the workout you get extra performance while you are on the gym floor. Taking it before the exercise will leave you willing and give you the boost you need to start your daily workout routine if you are having issues with that. Getting BCAA after the workout is also good and it will work on burning those fats inside you while the exercise stops but you also need to balance your diet as well. Get in as fewer carbohydrates as possible and get as many good fats as you can. Keto goes well with BCAA but you don’t need to go full Keto you can pick and choose but the best thing you can do is educate yourself on how to diet properly and what you can combine with BCAA so it can burn your fat for fuel more efficiently.
Another thing we need to mention, although if you are reading this you probably know it already, taking BCAA without a workout will do you no good. You need to work out regularly and you need to do whatever you can to stimulate your muscles. Only this way your body will be under strain and start producing things it needs to make you stronger, durable and fresh. What types of exercises do this? Well, you can start with resistance exercises that will be your way to something bigger. Another way you can do to stimulate your organism and your muscles primarily are by eating more protein specifically the BCA leucine. This protein is the key trigger for your body to start producing more muscle mass and strength.
One way to do this is by getting things like Whey protein with a lot of leucine in it or by getting pure BCA but you also need a lot of other proteins that you can get from the other thing mentioned before – Food. A lot of meat, fish, eggs and dairy products will get those other proteins and amino acids in your organism to help BCAAs. Most people switched entirely to food-only protein and amino acid sources but it gets difficult to track it all and get it enough into your system.

This is where BCAAs come in handy because you can buy them and dose them to your needs and your diet plan as well as an exercise plan. Sometimes eating 3-4 eggs r 500 grams of fish isn’t possible but getting a scoop of BCAA powder and mixing it with your shake, water or anything else will get you where you need to be. It is also great for vegans who have a bit different diet. Vegans can hardly ingest all the proteins and amino acids they need because they have a plant-based diet that includes a lot of beans, quinoa, so and similar. To be perfectly honest these are good for BCAA sources but don’t offer a lot of leucine which is essential. This is where BCAA products hop in and cover your daily needs for everything so you can stay on top of your training and dietary regime.
The last thing that we want to say about BCAA and tell you about a use case that most gym-goers are terrified of is cardio and endurance training. If you add your BCAAs to your carbohydrate drink during and after endurance events like marathons might reduce muscle damage as well as feelings of muscle soreness. If you are hoping for an endurance performance boost, we have to disappoint you and tell you that it will not impact it. It will simply help you with the recovery after the training. If you are someone who does a lot of cardio and endurance you want to reconsider adding BCAAs to your routine for this.
To conclude BCAAs have a place and function in your diet. They can be taken whenever you feel like it no matter if you are in the middle of training, you take them before or after one. You also need to know that BCAA supplements are just a way for you to supplement a diet that is either too low in protein or has a low protein quality.