Singing is a wonderful thing to do, and the ones who have talent, often seek ways to improve this skill and get it to higher levels. Whether this is a simple expanding of the range and practice of the very high or very low notes, or trying to learn a new technique that seems interesting, the voice must be trained as all body parts and muscles. If you love singing, and want to step up your game, be sure to stick around and see into these tips that will make your voice sound even better.
1. Never skip vocal warmups

Your vocal box behaves as a muscle and it needs to be warmed up before using it. You have probably noticed that the voice color and range change during the day, and how each morning is a bit rough. If you would try to sing as the first thing when you get out of the bed, you would notice that those very high ranges cannot be reached and you would probably hurt your vocal box. In order to prevent any damage, that can be severe and take a lot of time to heal, be sure to do some vocal warmups and prepare it for singing.
Many of such can be found online and the simplest ones are called vocalizes, these will slowly guide you and increase the pitch until you are warmed up. You may try to warm up with singing low key songs this is fine just be careful not to go with the flow and try something that can potentially harm you.
If you would like to polish your skills, and are in search of a perfect platform, check out and become a better singer in only four weeks.
2. Try some breathing exercises
Breathing is very important while singing and proper technique will improve the endurance, performance and as well prevent those strong inhales before verses. If you want to avoid losing your breath, yoga can do the trick, and as well some specially designed exercises that will help you get better filling your lungs with oxygen. This may also lead to learning how to breathe, as they often called, a baby breathing, using your stomach rather than your lungs to pump the air in. By increasing the range your diaphragm can go, and expand the volume of your lungs you will be ready to tackle new challenges.
3. Avoid cord damaging habits

Many things can affect your vocal box, first and foremost is the wrong way of usage. Shouting and vocalizing the sound in your throat can physically damage the cords. In addition to this, carbonated drinks like soda and beer are prone to reacting with them and change them for a short period of time. In addition to this smoking is a very bad habit in the first place, and it can lead to damage and permanent change in the vocal cords that can lead to a decrease in the range, change of the pitch and the overall sound.
Try to avoid sweets before getting into singing since sweet foods did show some side effects on the effectiveness of usage of the cords, the same goes for milk and milk products. Being well hydrated may assist in the lubrication and proper function of the vocal cords and prevent any big damage.
4. Gain control
Some do have a lot of potentials but lack control of how the voice comes out. This is not something that cannot be changed and there are few simple tricks that can be used to prevent your voice from slipping and getting out of your control. Breathing can help in gaining control since proper inhale and exhale rhythm will increase the oxygen in the lungs, expand their volume and provide steady exhale that is needed for the sound production. By being calm, you can help yourself gain back control over your voice.
5. Use muscles

There are a lot of muscles that are involved in the vocalization, not only the ones of your vocal box, your whole face and neck are involved in the making of sounds. By making them relaxed and not tensed you will provide more unblocked airflow resulting in better articulation and better sound. Face muscles control is essential, in order to be understood while singing, so practice in front of the mirror in order to prevent any movement you are not aware of.
6. Proper stand
It is important to release the diaphragm and allow the lungs to expand to their maximum in order to sing your heart out. This means that you will need to sit or stand straight and be aware if you are slouching. Any slouching will lead to a decrease in the volume available and decrease the quality of the sound made. So, sit up straight, get your shoulders back and take a deep breath.
Try not to bend your head backward while singing high notes; even though it is a very natural thing to do, you should actually move your beard down towards your collar bone, since this move will make more space for the air to flow. Even though it is counterintuitive, give it a try, you will be surprised by the results.
7. Practice makes it perfect

Like all things in life, if you want to perfect it, you will need to invest time in it. Practicing every day, or every other day will make you sound better and better as each day passes. Vocal cords are like any muscle in the body, and they will need to be practiced. You have probably noticed that when you are not singing for a while your voice changes in pitch and range; some do lose a bit of control as well. So be sure to add some exercises for your vocal box into your daily routine.
Hopefully, these simple tricks will make your singing life easier and make you want to do them every day. It is essential to keep your vocal cords safe since they are the ones making the sound. You might want to learn some new tricks along the way. But for now, take a deep breath, stay calm and sing your heart out.