Have you ever traded stocks? Or maybe currencies? Or anything of value? There is no doubt that most of you were once associated with trading. Well, you probably sought expert help on that, didn’t you? In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about marijuana, its products, its beneficial effects and use in medicine, etc.
Well, one man was able to combine that, to unite marijuana and penny stocks trading. We are talking about Ray Blanco, a man who has been considered one of the biggest experts in marijuana investments and earnings based on these investments.
Today we have decided to present some details about this man, details from his life and career. Well, if you’re ready, let’s get started.

Ray Blanco Early Life
Although not much information is known about Ray Blanco, we’ll try to give you accurate information. Namely, his family is from Cuba. Ray was born there, but we don’t know the exact date of birth. What is known is that during the 1960s, the family moved from Cuba and immigrated to the United States.
During his early childhood, it could be said that Ray was different from other children. While his peers spent time outside in the playground, with other friends, Ray was interested in other things. For example, it is well known that Blanco was very interested in technology and spent a lot of time researching. He was particularly interested in programming.
Ray Blanco Education
When it comes to education, Ray Blanco graduated from Hodges University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in information technology. After graduating from the university, her career begins to rise. He spent more than ten years as a systems analyst, network technician, etc. Although this period undoubtedly influenced him to become the expert he is today, the most significant period was working for a private wealth management company.
Ray Blanco Career

The private wealth management company, mentioned earlier, is among the best and most successful in the country and, according to experts, manages more than $30 billion in assets of its clients. Here, he worked on maintaining the entire network infrastructure. Still, access to stocks trading knowledge and experts made Ray’s career turn in a different direction.
Specifically, in 2009 he decided to unite a passion for stocks trading and technology. He then became one of Agora Financial’ employees and turned to finding a new way to increase the private wealth of the company’s clients. Many hours spent analyzing the market in the end resulted in penny pot profits-investing in marijuana stocks. In recent years, a real avalanche of marijuana legalization has been launched, so this is a relatively new market and full of opportunities. Using his advices, many increased their wealth in the right way.
Ray Blanco is also the editor for Agora Financial’ FDA Trader, Breakthrough Technology Alert as well as Technology Profits Confidential.
Ray Blanco Net Worth
Years of work at many companies have certainly enabled Ray Blanco to raise quite a good amount of money. Unfortunately, we do not currently have information about his net worth, but if we come up with such information, you will be the first to find it. Please, stay tuned.