With marketing experts fighting for every job that comes along, you must stand out from the crowd, and your marketing curriculum needs to stand out. Whether you are an experienced professional requesting a better position or you are just starting, your CV should be the top choice, so that you have the opportunity to get an interview. For more information and professional help, you can contact resumebuild.com.
For your marketing resume to shine, you must think carefully about how it is designed and what is written. Here we will cover both, as we guide you through the process of creating a stellar marketing curriculum. You will be landing that dream marketing job in no time.
The following are the steps to create the perfect marketing curriculum:

Do not use a Word Processor
Word does not offer the creative possibilities you need for a design curriculum.
Microsoft Word might be useful if you are applying for a secretarial position. Still, if you are looking for a marketing job or something creative, you’ll have limited options. Marketing directors will pay close attention to the design of a marketing candidate as well as the content, so you can use some internet tools to help you with that, as well.
PDF is the best format to provide it, regardless of the program you use. That allows you to create attractive documents that are entirely cross-platform.
Choose your Sources Wisely
The objective of any marketing CV is that it must be readable. You are a marketing expert, so your resume should follow the latest trends, right? Incorrect! The aim of any curriculum should be readability, so it is generally a good idea to stick to readable and straightforward sources. There is no need for you to spend much money to find something suitable.
Consider using Different Colors

For most jobs not related to marketing, a curriculum vitae designed or printed in color is probably a waste of time. However, for marketing positions, touches of color are an acceptable way to add a discreet personal touch. However, use the color carefully and do not overdo it.
Be Brief
Your resume should ideally fit on one side of A4, and if it is more than two pages, you are hesitating and including too many things.
Do not be tempted to mask the lack of experience with verbiage. Clean and well-designed resumes will always work better than those that are not. Remember, the goal is to intrigue. Point the recipient towards an online wallet to see more.
Include the Correct Information
At a minimum, your resume must include your name and contact details, including your email address, phone number, and online wallet URL.
That should be followed by a breakdown of your work experience, after your education. In both cases, the most recent should be listed first. Work experience should include dates, job titles, and a brief synopsis of functions. References are generally optional.
Don’t Lie on your Resume

Once, we received a resume from an unidentified person who claimed to have created an awe-inspiring website. We would have been very impressed if it weren’t for the fact that we are the ones who had designed the site.
Needless to say, that resume went straight to the dump, and the sender was rewarded with a very well written email. Honesty is always the best policy! You have a good chance of being discovered if you start to “elaborate” on your resume.
Include Work Achievements
It would be good to include some examples of your previous successes with your resume.
Show your Personality
Simple does not have to mean boring. A curriculum is a reflection of your disposition and personality, and the recipient will scan it, consciously or not, in search of elements that distinguish your curriculum from the other hundreds that have to go through. Make your resume stand out, but don’t exaggerate.
Beware of the Novel Approach to Resumes

We have had resumes written on crumpled paper, arriving in the form of puzzles; and playing cards. We have had giant summary posters, inflatable resumes, and resumes made with delicate and intricate paper engineering.
Extravagant resumes stay in mind, but they are a risky proposition. On the one hand, one can appear as a creative thinker; on the other, it may seem pretentious and excessive. It depends on the recipient.
Do Not Plagiarize
We’ve all seen this ingenious concept of summary. Therefore, please don’t try to pass it on as your idea.
So many graduates see an inspiring curriculum marketing concept and use it as their template. Do not do that. If a particularly inventive curriculum vitae design has caught your attention, there is an excellent possibility that it has been shared virally within the industry and has also drawn the attention of your potential employer. Your CV should demonstrate your creativity, not someone else’s.
Do not Send Photocopies
You should send a new resume every time.
Photocopies are cheap, but unfortunately, such resumes are also a bad option, especially second and third-generation copies. The images are contrasting and full of noise, fingerprints, and other imperfections begin to appear. Therefore, the results may seem a bit crooked. Fresh laser prints or crisp inkjet prints on the best quality paper available are the minimum standards.
Show Consistency

Real-world design projects usually focus on a unique and coherent theme or concept that spans the entire logo, brand, literature, etc. Your resume, portfolio, and cover letter must demonstrate the same consistency. For example, do bulleted lists appear in the same style on each of their pages? Is the color scheme consistent?
Spend Time on Your Cover Letter
When applying for a job, most of the time, your resume must be accompanied by a cover letter. That should look formal and commercial: this is not the place to show your creativity and imagination. The text should complement the CV, so the best option is to keep it short and to the point (three paragraphs are a good rule of thumb).
Make it evident that you have not just copied and pasted the same letter you used to request another hundred jobs. Write it in a personal way and the particular company you are applying for.
Create Multiple Resumes
If you are applying for various jobs, you must create multiple resumes, each of which has a specific role and the type of experience and skills that potential employers are looking for.
Check Your Spelling!
Spelling and grammar mistakes will make you seem uneducated, ignorant, or lazy, and none of these suit the image you are trying to convey. Therefore, always check your grammar and spelling. You should also have others review it too (it’s easy to miss your own mistakes).