How to Develop a Successful Migration Plan to Magento 2?

Migration is an unavoidable part of growth and development for every company, no matter how big or small. Whether it comes from the need for more capability and features or a safer platform, migration plays a major role and needs to be implemented flawlessly. The key to a successful migration …

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Stocks Lost Their Shine? 6 Alternative Investments to Explore

Is it a bear market or a bull market? Is a recession on the horizon, or would top analysts say we’ve been cruising toward one for years? No matter your interpretation, today’s market conditions and economic forecast make it clear that diversification is the way to survive. But even when …

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Blackjack Strategies You Should Actually Avoid

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games, both in-person and online. When first people come into the gambling world, they usually start with blackjack, as it is considered one of the most accessible games for beginners to understand. It is one such game that provides the most rewarding …

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History, Food and Celebration: A Novice’s Guide to Sukkot

Taking place just five days after Yom Kippur, Sukkot is one of the three great pilgrimage festivals in the Jewish calendar. Originally celebrated to signify the end of the Autumn harvest, the scripture reinterpreted this holiday to coincide with Jewish beliefs, leading to millions of Jews celebrating their ancestors and …

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Spirits and Evil Forces: Has the Purpose of Jewellery Come Full Circle?

For hundreds of years, people have worn jewellery as a fashion accessory, a symbol of wealth, a religious token, or a spiritual tool. Despite changes in society, fashion and hierarchy, this emotional and materialistic reasoning behind jewellery has not really been altered. Since the end of the twentieth century, however, …

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9 Items to Pack for Every Road Trip

Road trips are a lot of fun and a great chance to bond with your friends and family. Driving on your own and having your own schedule when taking a trip is a much better experience than sticking with the itinerary someone else has provided for you. It helps if …

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How to Hire Software Developers for a Startup?

Startup companies are created by passionate entrepreneurs who have a great idea and aim to see that idea bloom and prosper. There are certain features that characterize startups. Startups are new organizations with fresh ideas and work long hours with small teams. In the past few decades, many startups have …

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A Guide to Exercising for Beginners

When it comes to being healthy, regularly exercising is essential. And you’ll likely see the benefits of engaging in consistent physical activity on your physical and mental well-being immediately. However, working it into your daily routine will take determination, and keeping yourself on the program will require discipline. In other …

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How to Choose the Right Retirement Village for Your Needs

If you’ve ever wondered when is the right time to start thinking about your retirement plan, then the answer to this question is now and immediately. Why? Because there are many things that you need to plan ahead of time, such as the village that you would choose where you …

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5 Tips on How to Use Christmas Décor All Year Round

The last two months of every year are always an exciting time. While there are no holidays for a majority of this period, it needs to be said that all people are preparing themselves for the most significant Christian holiday of them all, Christmas. People are going shopping and you …

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