How to Clean & Maintain your Air Conditioner – 2024 DIY Guide 

Maintaining your air conditioner clean is very important, not only because you want to decrease your electricity bill, but also because it is necessary for proper functioning and longer usage. In order to be able to enjoy its maximum efficiency, you need to fit maintenance into your schedule and don’t …

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What is the Future of Transportation – 2024 Review

In order to predict the future of transportation, a good place is with the past. The average person walks at a rate of around 3.1 miles per hour, so soldiers in the past were roughly limited to advance at around 25-30 miles per had. During the days of the Pony …

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7 Cool Gadgets Every Kid Will Want In 2024

Whenever we think of cool gadgets we instantly think of the latest iPad or something similar. But every kid has a unique taste in the gadgets it wants. You’d be surprised to find the number of gadgets that are available on the free market. Since technology evolves by the year, …

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9 Vehicles That Depreciate the Most Over Five Years – 2024 Review

We are all aware that our vehicles are going to lose their value over the years, except that car is not a part of some special collection, which is a rare case, especially when it comes to standard vehicles from mass production. However, some models have a problem with their …

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What Kind of a Beast are Private Proxies – 2024 Tips

A private proxy is a type of proxy that only allows a single active user connection to any IP address in its pool. Although all proxies technically mask your IP address, according to, private proxies guarantee you actually get a private IP which you don’t need to share with …

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Tips How to Look Like a Million Dollar at 2024

You don’t have to earn a million dollars a year to look like you have. It is all about the small details that can improve the overall impression you give in no time. Learn how to move your focus and adjust it a little bit in order to look and …

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How International Students Can Prepare for U.S. Colleges 2024

Isn’t life so fast-paced? One minute you’re building sandcastles, the second you’re looking for colleges to apply for. The pace can be overwhelming and scary but it has been matched to get somewhere in life. You’re 18 something and are expected to move out, get in a top-notch university for …

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How To Start Your Cryptocurrency Trading – 2024 Beginners Guide

Cryptocurrency has made a huge splash the moment it has appeared on the market. Even though it wasn’t easy to figure out how cryptocurrency works, it is now gaining more and more popularity making people wonder how to earn by using it. At first, people were mostly relying on luck, …

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Health and Wellness Tips for 2024

Everyone says they’re going to be healthier in the New Year, and some people even go as far as making resolutions that are often unattainable or just plain unnecessary. We put ourselves under a lot of pressure to start the New Year fresher and healthier. Many of us will spend …

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