With the advent of the coronavirus and its rapid spread throughout the world, many countries have been forced to introduce 24-hour quarantine to prevent further spread and to protect the health of their citizens. Almost everything was closed except pharmacies and supermarkets. Schools were emptied, children started attending online classes, people left their jobs in offices and started working from home, parks and streets became quiet and there was silence. We were all forced to adapt and get used to the new situation.
Locked up in our homes, we were forced to find a way to make time pass faster, in anticipation of the end of quarantine. Watching your favorite series or a good movie, reading bestsellers, playing board games, are some of the activities we did at home with our families.

If you want to increase the fun and excitement and you have extra money and time, online betting can give you that pleasure. Plus there is a high chance that you will earn a little more money while having fun, do not forget that you do it all from your comfortable home, safe and sound.
Betting is an activity that has existed for a long time, the goal is to predict the final result of a match, whether it is sports, music competition, races, or even political elections. The person who hits the end result gets a reward whether in the form of money or some other kind. If you are a beginner in betting, keep in mind that your favorite teams do not always win and never mix betting with emotions, things can only go downhill here. The whole situation is not just a matter of luck, if you bet on football matches, for example, you have to educate yourself more about clubs and players. You need to have at least some knowledge of football history, it will help you a lot in the way you play your bets. There are countless websites on the internet where you can place your wagers. All you need to do pick the one you like, sign up on the site and you are ready to start placing your bets. When it comes to online bookmaking, there are no restrictions on the number of sites where you can register yourself, and it is convenient that you can access the sites at any time you want, either if it is day or night. Be too careful which website you choose, because there are fraudulent sites and it is likely that you will be deceived, your personal information can be stolen and you will lose your money. The purpose of this article is to help you avoid sites that may deceive you. In the following of this text, we will introduce you to the ways to find out if your bookmaker is legitimate, real, or fake.

- The first and foremost way to know if a site is real or not is to see if there are security stamps somewhere. If the site has a trust seal for work by appropriate bodies for monitoring Internet services then the website is safe for betting. Often by clicking on the trust stamp, it will lead you, link to the security partner’s site which guarantees the authenticity of the page.
- Legitimate online bookmakers have secure payment methods from secure payment services such as Visa, MasterCard, or GooglePay and similar payment services. For example, as used by top-kladionica.com.
- They offer fast payment within a maximum of 24 hours. We, humans, are a little skeptical when it comes to delays in the payment of funds if the website offers fast payment it will certainly encourage you to continue to use its services.
- Many of them have mobile applications. If you are on the go, you can easily download the application via your mobile phone and place your bet right ahead.
- Another positive feature that you will find on real pages is that they have space where you can watch live matches or any sort of competition.
- If the site has its own Facebook page, or Twitter account, or any other social media, browse for reviews left by some previous users. People tend to express dissatisfaction or satisfaction with the use of some services, by sharing their experience they help others in their choice. If most of the comments are negative it is not worth spending a minute more on that site.
- When you register on a betting site or application, you are probably familiar with the part where they offer you terms and conditions where you can agree or disagree. They are placed to show you that the site is legal. A thorough legal explanation of how your data is used. The privacy policy is key to the security of your personal information.
- Strange and suspicious pop-ups are common on unauthorized sites. It often happens that you click on a link and it will redirect you to completely unknown pages that are infectious malware.

I really hope that some of these tips will help you to keep your personal information safe and it will help you find a legitimate online betting website. We live in an age of advanced technology, with a little carelessness we can lead to a situation where our personal data is stolen or misused. Remember that betting is not the easiest way to get a lot of money in the shortest possible time. It was created for people to have fun. If you want to get better at this activity you will need a lot of energy, money and time. It is rare to find people who survive only on bookmakers, decide what you will be in this. Will you be a gambler who becomes addicted, and spends all his time and money on this or will you be the one to gamble solely for fun. If you are a person who plays just for fun and considers this a hobby, I wish you luck and let the odds be always in your favor.