Dying to know how much the dusty old Apple iPhone you have stuffed in the back of your sock draw is really worth thousands? Well, the answer to this question depends on several main factors. In fact, the size of the storage the phone you want to sell has, and the network its ties to matter. Although, it’s indeed the model, whether you have the box and the general condition of your phone is most important. With that in mind, check out our comprehensive guide below and you too can find out what your old iPhone is worth.
Make and model
iPhone 4 and 4s

The jury is out as to whether these are the very best or worst , in terms of value. Some believe it’s the latter because they are virtually obsolete and the operating system on which they are based cannot be updated. Therefore, for people looking for a working, usable iPhone will avoid them like the plague.
However, for hardcore Appleheads that didn’t get their hands in one of these babies the first time, they are gold dust. In fact, on sites like eBay, a first edition iPhone 4 in good condition can go for around $1000. A price that is certainly not to be sniffed at and could definitely buy you the latest if that is what you choose to spend your profits on.
iPhone 5, 5c, and 5s

The 5, 5c, and 5s models were more prolific than the 4s, and that makes them a little less rare. Also, be advised that the 5 series are not compatible with IOS 13. Therefore, marketing your iPhone 5 as a going concern on tech resell sights isn’t going to be the easiest pitch in the world.
The good news is that they may soon be of some worth to collectors though, so might be a good investment for the future? Something that means you may want to hold onto them rather than selling them on right now.
Also, as the 5s is the most recent of all the 5 models its likely to be the easiest to shift. With prices from about £30 on phone comparisons sites like selling my mobile.
iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

If you have an old 6 or 6 plus you may think that you’re ‘quids. Unfortunately, this is not often the case. In fact, the 6 and 6 s models are that perfect distance away from being new as to make the demand for the pretty poor. While also far enough away from the 4 that they are really not yet a collector’s piece.
To that end, resale prices on mobile buying sites are currently at around £77 for the 128 GB model. Which is as they say ‘ better than a poke in the eye with a dirty stick,’ but hardly megabucks!
iPhone 6s and 6s Plus

You will find the situation when it comes to the 6s, and 6s Plus models are a little better. In fact, for a working condition, 128GB 6s plus you can expect around £96 on a mobile recycling site like sell my mobile. Which certainly makes you sit with you while digging them out and dusting them off.
iPhone SE

Not all phone recyclers will offer to buy the SE. In fact, and therefore its resale value isn’t spectacular. Although £40 is about right for the 128 GB model with less for the ones with smaller storage.
iPhone 7 and 7 plus

Things start to get a little more exciting and profitable when it comes to the Apple 7 and 7 plus models. In fact, for a 6s 256 GB model in working condition, you can expect well into double figures from phone recyclers online!
iPhone 8 and 8 Plus

The iPhone 8 and 8 plus is where it’s really at though. With many recyclers ike the ones listed at sell my mobile offering around £190 for the models with the most extensive storage (256GB).In fact, even if you have a 64GB model, there is only around a £20 drop. This being something that makes selling the Apple iPhone 8s well worth the effort involved.
Although, unless you choose to sell to a private seller via a tech site, there really is minimal effort involved in selling your old iPhone at all.
Box Fresh?
Are you the type of person that keeps all of the boxes and packing from your devices? Well if you are you could very well end up congratulating yourself on such a smart move. This is because any old iPhone will increase in price if you have the box that it came in. All you need to do is go into the attic or sort through the junk room to find it.
The thing about old iPhones in poor condition is not that they won’t sell at all. In fact, the issue here is that you are likely to get significantly less for them than you would like if they are not working. Something that can feel like a bit of a blow if you were planning on funding a little holiday or a night out with the squad.
Do remember, however, that there is always a market for phones that no longer turn on, as they can be recycled for parts. With the best place to sell these being a phone buying website. In fact sites like sell my mobile state that mobile phone recyclers make offers for all kinds of conditions of mobile phones. Which if they cannot be refurbished and sold domestically or abroad are stripped down for their valuable parts.
In summary, the value of the old Apple iPhone currently languishing at the back of a drawer depends on a range of factors. It depends on the model, the condition it’s in and whether you have the box and all the original packaging.
What you can get for an old iPhone will also depend on where you choose to sell it too. Therefore, if you are looking for a reasonable price with a fast turnaround, selling to a mobile recycling site is usually your best bet.