Choosing car insurance is a decision that should not be taken lightly. There are many different options available meaning that you have to consider every detail carefully in order to find the one that works the best for you. In the following article, we are going to discuss some points and give you tips that will facilitate this entire process, if you are buying a policy in Dubai.
The very first thing you have to choose is whether you want third-party or comprehensive insurance. The former one only covers the costs in case of an accident. Even though the premium of this one is lower, you will have to pay for all the damage yourself. In addition, if you are getting a loan from the bank with the goal of purchasing the vehicle in the UAE, most banks will not allow you to get this type of insurance. The latter one is more expensive, but it covers all the costs not only in the case of theft or fire but also in the case of a personal accident.

Once you have decided on the type of policy it is time to get your vehicle evaluated. Insurance companies make this assessment based on different features such as the overall condition and the age of the car. Naturally, new vehicles usually get a good evaluation with the price closer to the original purchase price, while older models get a lower evaluation. Because of this, you have to negotiate with a few companies in order to get the best deal.
When choosing a potential partner, you have to research each one of them in great detail. Since you will be paying a lot of money to protect your asset, you should go with a reliable company that has a lot of experience, positive reviews, and that has been on the market for quite some time.
It is always a good thing if a company has an online presence, such as, meaning that you will be able to contact customer services and get answers to all the questions you have. You should never sign a contract with the insurance company if you don’t fully understand every condition.
Picking an insurance plan can take a lot of your time, but it is important because you have to be certain that you have made the best choice and that you won’t have any regrets in the future. You can fairly easily conduct this research online. Find potential companies and browse through their website and check out plans they offer, compare the prices of each plan and investigate the parameters they use to estimate the value of your vehicle.

As already mentioned, it is of crucial importance to inspect the plan and contract thoroughly. If you are not sure which one you should choose, our advice is to go with the one that offers the best benefits. Study in which scenarios you will be paid by the company and also, make sure that the amount of money is close to the current market value of the car.
Besides checking what is included in the policy, you should know what is not. This can include things like causing the accidents while under the influence of alcohol, missing the date of renewing the policy, the geographic area which is covered or in this case not covered, and so on.
To sum up, these are some things you should pay careful attention to when picking an insurance plan in the UAE. Once you have chosen a certain plan, make sure to know the exact expiration date, because if you have an accident one day after the insurance ceases to exist and you have not renewed it, you will not get compensation from the company.