
4 Pros and Cons Modular Housing

The age of COVID-19 is almost behind us, at least we hope so. The one thing it didn’t affect was the property market. People were eager to buy houses and land, due to the security it provides. In certain regions of the world, the cost of housing and condos skyrocketed. While many people opted for buying a property, not all of us have the identical idea. There are still people who are only prepared to get ahold of the land and build their homes. This is not a new trend. Building property has been a desire and a dream for many, and it still is for some.

One of the choices that are making rounds around the news is without a doubt modular homes. Yes, you heard it right. Modular housing has been around for a while, and in recent times it is becoming a viable option for many. Of course, like it’s usually the case there are those who doubt that this is the right approach. We can’t prevent people from having opinions, but we can take upon an objective stance. As this is what we’re going to do our subject for today are the four pros and cons of modular housing.

If you’re reading this, and are interested, but are not as sure what are we talking about, there are no reasons to worry. Before we jump to the centerpiece of our article we’re going to cover the basics of what precisely is modular housing. It is possible that older generations haven’t gotten accustomed to the new way of building things, or those new ones aren’t as interested as older ones were back in the day. So, in the next paragraph, we’re going to cover the essence of modular housing. If you’re aware of the subject at hand and want to get your hands on the finished product you’re better off switching to if that’s not the case, keep reading.

What Are We Talking About?


Of course, we are talking about modular housing. But what is it? Well, it is a house that is already built in a facility or a compound designed for such actions. It is built in an indoor facility in full capacity. There is no additional work required at least when we’re talking about the shell. The shell might come in pieces that are assembled at the given location by professionals. What you have to know, is that while the builder can make your home on the spot once they deliver the goods, this is by no means a mobile house. It is s stable house, which is only built on the spot from parts made at the facility. You probably encountered these homes, as there is more and more property built this way. Depending on the region where you live they’re also called prefabricated houses or factory-built homes.

Either way, we’re talking about the same thing. If you’re having an idea of buying yourself one of these, you have our full support. But first, take a look at the pros and cons we have below, and make the decision based on that.


1. They’re Energy Efficient


This is a great thing to hear. The bills for both heating and cooling are going to be lower. Compared to standard homes, modular ones are quite more energy efficient. It all comes down to the way they’re built, and the way the windows are attached to the end product. With much detail in this department, this notion doesn’t comes as surprise at all. These houses are built so tight that they even offer guarantees against certain types of natural disasters. Even without the guarantees, they can withstand heavy winds and rains without issues.

2. They’re Built Quickly


For most people wanting a good and quality home, this might prove to massive advantage. As we already mentioned most parts of these houses are prefabricated, so when you opt for a type of house the chances are that there will be supplies of the parts needed. Upon assembly, all that is left is to connect the utilities and you can walk in and start living. The building happens quickly due to pre-made parts, and construction ideas already in place. Furthermore, all the builders associated with this project are professionals, so the chances are there will be no delays in the schedule. But, there’s one thing to have in mind. While the build itself is rapid, you still need to get all the right permits, secure the land, and prepare it, all of which can take up a lot of time.


1. The Price of The Land


Did you watch The Sopranos? There’s a good quote when Tony asks cousin Bryan where should he invest his money. The answer is simple: “Buy land I guess because God ain’t making any more.” This is true to this day. While a modular one could come cheaper than buying an already built house or building it another way, the price of the land is still an issue in most parts of the world. So, to put a prefabricated house on a property you need to own it first. Furthermore, as we already stated, not only that you need to own the land, you’ll also need to attain all the needed permits. Also, this is not where the issues end. Before starting a home from scratch you need to ensure that you can connect water, electric power. Sewer system and the rest of utilities.

2. High Upfront Cost


This could be an issue for many people wanting to have their homes built this way. When you’re buying a home the regular way, around 20% goes up front and the rest is paid out through the mortgage process. When you’re getting yourself a prefabricated home, things are a little different. Actually, the difference is vast. You’ll have to pay the whole ordeal upfront. While in the end, it is a much cheaper option, there are no delayed payments. Even when the modular house is in place you’ll still have to pay for all the utilities. And, if you’re not owning the land, you’re in for a massive expense.

About Carolyn Lang