With the global outbreak of the Coronavirus still happening, more and more companies are choosing to work remotely, which is why they’re searching for online platforms that they could use for their trade tasks. And, if you’re thinking about utilizing Microsoft Teams for your company needs, you should know that it offers video and audio calling, as well as sharing.
But, using new platforms and technology is often quite confusing, which is probably why you opted for reading this article. Fortunately, the how-to guide featured below may be able to shed some light on how you could set-up and utilize this platform, as well as some other info that you may want to know about it. So, without further ado, let’s take a closer look:
1. Ensure That It’s Available in Your Nation

Before you do anything else, you’ll have to ensure that you could actually utilize it in your country. In order to check this, you have to go to “Country availability”. Once you get there, you should choose your nation from the menu provided.
When you complete this, you’ll be capable of viewing the “Telephone System” category, and you could use it for reading and learning more about the traits you could get, as well as the info for the packages and plans you could opt for. Keep in mind, if you could read it, you’ll be able to use the program, so, now, move on to the following task.
2. Purchase a Telephone System And Obtain The Licenses
If you need to distribute a plan permit or a telephone system to one person, you’ll have to go through the same process as you would with MS 365. Of course, you could also distribute several licenses to various users. If the service is not accessible in your nation, you could always utilize platforms such as sipcall.ch that’ll provide you with unrestricted access to MS 365.
3. Obtain And Distribute The Numbers

Before people can access and use the system for making/receiving the calls, you’ll first have to ensure that you obtain and distribute the numbers to them. There are 3 methods for obtaining them – you can get them by utilizing the “Admin Center”, you can get the ones that aren’t available in the center, or you could choose to port/transfer the existing ones to MS 365.
Now, in order for you to utilize the program, you’ll have to utilize the “Add Numbers” feature, which will allow you to view, search for, obtain, and reserve a specific telephone number. You could do it by searching for the country/town and then simply insert the figures you want people to use.
4. You Could Also Obtain Several Service Numbers
Besides getting the numbers for your employees, you could also search for an obtain cost-free or numbers that’ll require you to pay a small fee, that you could utilize for audio conferencing or queues. Why might you need to do this? Well, they have a greater capacity, which means that it can handle more than a hundred calls at the same time, while the employee phones could only hand several at the same time.
5. You Could Choose Different Plans

If you finished all of the aforementioned tasks, you probably purchased and distributed the numbers and licenses, which means that you partially arranged and set everything up. In order for you to finish the entire process, you’ll have to opt for and set up specific policies.
6. If Required, Opt For The Conferencing Option
In some circumstances, workers in your company will have to utilize their smartphones for joining the conference. This particular program allows audio conferencing that can be applied in such situations. This means that users could join the meeting without having to access the Teams application on their phone or computer.
7. You Could Also Activate “Cloud Queues”

This is an important feature that can be used when an individual contacts your organization. By using this feature, you’ll be able to automatically hold certain connections and you’ll also be able to search for an available agent that will handle one person while other people that are waiting are listening to some relaxing music. You could create one or several queues, depending on your needs.
8. A “Cloud Attendant” is Also a Choice
This is a hefty tool that allows individuals to call your company and then operate a menu that will direct them to the office they need, and/or a queue for talking with an operator. By accessing the “Admin center” previously mentioned, you could set up the auto-attendant for your business.
9. Distribute The Numbers For Specific Departments

When you obtain the numbers, you’ll have to distribute each of them to the variety of services you require them for. For installing the conferencing, automatic attendants, or the call lines, you’ll have to access the “Admin Center” and from there assign each one for the services you require. Now, if you accidentally make a mistake, do not worry, you can always correct them later on from the center.
10. Set Up The Credits For The Company
You might want to use cost-free numbers and if so, you’ll have to set up the credits. Most individuals recommend that you set up the credits for the plans you opted for, as well as for audio conferences for users who need to use their phones for joining a meeting. Most nations are included in the list offered, however, you should check it in order to ensure that it is covered in the plan you previously opted for.
Microsoft Teams can be utilized for various businesses that receive hundreds of calls on a daily basis. Of course, setting it up might be a little confusing, however, if you follow all of the tips mentioned in the article above, you’ll be able to make the entire process easier for yourself.
So, now that you’re aware of all the things you’ll have to do, you should really not waste any more of your time. Instead, open up Microsoft Teams and return back to the beginning of this guide. Once you do, follow each of the tasks and you’ll be able to set everything up properly and without any difficulties.