The skin is the largest organ whose task is to protect the body from external influences. It often happens that we neglect her and do not provide her with enough care. In some cases, the skin can be angry, so it responds by noticing the appearance of freckles, blemishes, and uneven skin color.
The problem of uneven skin color is faced by many people. Areas affected by spots are also known as age spots or sunspots. Whatever the form, it creates discomfort and a feeling of insecurity in people, especially in the younger population and women.
What is hyperpigmentation and what are the causes?

Hyperpigmentation is defined as a skin disorder that manifests as dark areas on the skin and is caused by an increase in the amount of melanin. This usually happens during pregnancy, due to exposure to sunlight, as a result of an illness or old age, and the occurrence can often be associated with trauma. It can also occur in hormonal disorders in women, as well as side effects of hormone therapies, chemotherapy, but also the use of antibiotics and other drugs.
It may sound strange, but it has been scientifically proven that perfume also causes hyperpigmentation. The reaction occurs in the areas where we apply the perfume, and these are usually the neck and the area behind the ears. This is a phototoxic reaction between perfume and the sun, which ultimately leads to skin damage.
When we talk about the causes, we can divide them into external and internal. External causes include exposure to sunlight and various chemical compounds such as minocycline, estrogen, and betaxolol, while the internal causes are related to genetics, ie the fact that people with darker skin have a better chance of this disease.
How do we treat hyperpigmentation?

Although we cannot predict its occurrence, hyperpigmentation is certainly something that bothers every person and will try to get rid of it in every possible way. There are many ways to alleviate blemishes, such as PRP treatment and adherence to dermatological recommendations, and on SeaMist medspa you can also find some methods that will fully remove it from your skin. We have already mentioned that hyperpigmentation can be treated in several ways – various creams and cosmetic treatments, which include chemical peels and laser treatment.
This treatment is performed without local anesthesia, it is non-invasive and painless. However, you may feel a burning sensation. In some cases of hyperpigmentation, only one treatment is sufficient to remove dark spots, while in some cases the procedure needs to be repeated two or more times. In any case, before the next treatment, it takes 4-6 weeks. After laser treatment, redness of the treated area can occur, and small scabs often appear and pass in a few days.
Two types of devices remove pigmentation, and these are selective and non-selective devices. Selective, in addition to lasers, include AFT and IPL devices that use optical energy to destroy the pigment that first darkens, and the next day peels and falls off. However, these types of devices are more recommended for tattoo removal, while non-selective ones are the perfect choice for mechanically destroying changes on the skin, without damaging the tissue. This group also includes fractional lasers that work on the principle of microscopic damage below the level of the skin, which is ejected and thus removes pigmentation.
What makes me a candidate for laser treatment?

When we talk about age spots, the candidates are between 50-70 years old. However, we have seen that younger people are more and more prone to changes in the skin, so they are also becoming perfect candidates for this non-invasive treatment. However, you first need to consult an expert, to perform a professional skin analysis.
The course of the procedure

Before starting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin. A photo-optical gel is then applied to which an optical light guide is then positioned. You will then put on protection glasses and treatment can begin. The laser gently passes over the area affected by the pigmentation, while emitting a light pulse. With its thermal effect, the laser separates melanin from the dermis.
We have already mentioned that the treatment is painless, but that it is possible to feel a burning sensation, as well as the appearance of redness and scabs after the procedure.
The redness will just go away, but what you can do is apply cold compresses that will speed recovery. Usually, the skin calms down overnight. However, what you should avoid for the next month is going to the solarium and sun exposure. A high-factor sunscreen is also recommended.
How to prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation?

To prevent or at least slow down the development of hyperpigmentation, you must know your skin well, that is, that you see all the advantages and disadvantages of your skin type. Regardless of whether you are prone to skin changes, it is important to use protective creams with an SPF 20 during the winter and SPF 50 in the summer.
There is a saying that says nutrition is half the battle. This is also true in this case. Foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins C and E, and omega3 fatty acids prevent the formation of hyperpigmentation. This group of foods includes berries, tomatoes, cherries, green tea, carrots, green leafy vegetables, and many others. If you are not a fan of these foods, look for supplements that have the same effect.
Another thing to pay attention to is cosmetics. The right choice is cosmetics rich in herbal active ingredients, ie those that do not have synthetic ingredients. Another very important factor is exercise. Regular exercise helps you flush toxins out of your body, while at the same time boosting circulation and boosting immunity.
For hyperpigmentation to heal successfully, it is necessary to discover the cause. Sometimes a certain cosmetic product will be enough to solve the problem. In any case, it is important to hydrate the skin in the right way, and this is best achieved with products that contain natural hyaluronic acid.