Writing an essay is something that every student has to deal with throughout their educational career. Most of the time, writing an essay is compulsory to pass a course. Now the essay can be about anything. It can be about any topic from science, entertainment, or our daily lives. Writing an essay requires both strong analytical and writing skills. All the instructions and requirements provided by the tutor or college professor should be followed. Starting an essay from an introduction, then the body of the essay, the conclusion, and finally the references, everything should be well-written. Peachyessay has been providing great academic assistance to all students in case of any academic writing.
One of the major elements of an essay besides detailed research that haunts most students is the “word count”. Doing research and then compiling the data for an essay feels like ages but at the end of the day, you haven’t still reached the required word limit. Some students can be compelled to use irrelevant and unnecessary information to lengthen their essays. You have to think critically if you want to increase the length of your essay. Following are some tips and tricks that will be going to help the students to increase the length of their essays even if the deadline is fast approaching.
1. Addition of Details
2. Usage of Quotes
3. Avoiding Abbreviations
4. Giving Multiple Examples to Strengthen Your Argument
5. Using Transitional Phrases and Sentences
Let’s discuss all of the above points in detail
1. Addition of Details

In the classroom, we have been always taught to shorten the length of our answers, to be brief and to the point. Teaching this is not wrong but this is not applicable in all circumstances in life.
When it comes to writing an essay, you have to elaborate your points as much as possible.
If you find your essay short in word count, then the first thing that you have to do is to go through all the points once again. Elaborate on all the points that need further elaboration. Also, make sure that the information that you are adding to your essay is relevant to the main context of the essay. As the explanation is still related to the main points of your essay so it won’t make your essay difficult to understand.
2. Usage of Quotes

If you are allowed by your tutor or college professor to use quotations in your essays then you should consider yourself lucky without any doubt. Using quotations is one of the easiest ways to meet the word limit quickly without putting too much effort. However, this should be kept in mind that your paper or essay not only quotes other writers and authors as it will not leave a good impact on your essay on the professor.
Quotations also increase the charm of your essay as they will strengthen your thoughts on a specific topic by allowing you to show that other writers also agree with your thoughts. Long quotations serve as a life savior in those cases where the target word count is large. However, there should be a balance between the quotations and the main content of the essay. This should not happen if you are just adding quotations to meet the required word count without adding any weightage to the main content.
3. Avoiding Abbreviations

As we know that abbreviations were made to make our life simpler in the case of writing or speaking but when it comes to writing an essay with a word limit then we are compelled to avoid them.
For example, avoid using abbreviations like the USA, ASAP, RIP, and min. Instead of these abbreviations, you should use the United States of America, As soon as possible, rest in peace and minutes respectively. These words add up to the overall word bank of your essay.
4. Giving Multiple Examples to Strengthen Your Argument

Let’s talk about the easiest tip to increase the length of your essay. Go through your essay once again. Check that you have backed up your arguments with any sort of examples? If you want to make your argument stronger, then you must give examples for each of your arguments after a bit of research. This trick will not only make your essay stronger but also increases the overall word count. But you have to keep in mind that using only credible examples will give strength to your essay.
For example, you are talking about what benefits superconductors have brought to our lives. Now you can give examples from your daily lives that include high-speed magnetic levitation trains, radio frequency amplifiers, systems to detect submarines and underwater mines, and sensitive visible-light and infrared detectors.
You can also impress your professor by using examples as you have supported all your claims and not only this but also have achieved the word count limit.
5. Using Transitional Phrases and Sentences

If you want to interlink different paragraphs or sections of your essay, then you may use transitional phrases and sentences. For example, you have mentioned a very important example in your essay but no one pays any attention to that example. To grab others’ attention in that example you may add phrases that will be going to add value to your attention. Most importantly, transitional phrases and sentences when used correctly can turn your essay into a great piece of writing. Your essay will flow smoothly and on the other hand, will make your essay longer.
Sometimes it’s a great challenge for the students to make their essays longer. Following some tools and using some tricks you can not only turn this hectic task into a fun task but also turn your essay into a great piece of writing. Keep in mind that adding extra detail to the essay is not your main objective. You can increase the length of the essay and the quality of the essay at the same time.