You don’t need to be a real movie fanatic to create a good collection. Everyone loves a good movie, and having lots of them available all the time means less time for you choosing a title when your friends or a partner are arriving for a movie night. The movie industry is huge, and you can always expand your collection with new titles. Also, you can choose whether you want to have a digital collection, or traditional, by saving or buying movies on DVD.
Before the wide use of the internet and streaming services to watch movies and TV shows, most of us were using services to rent movies, like Blockbuster Video, which was one of the biggest companies in that sector. However, with the ability to store hundreds of movies on our hard drive, or to stream them online. There is also a Blu-ray format, which provides a much bigger quality of the video, but requires significantly more space on the hard drive if you want to save it. Nevertheless, you can use DVDFab, which is a software that can rip-off a movie from Blue-Ray and save it on your PC in some other format to take less space.
Besides the DVD and Blue-Ray, you could also gather VHS, which is a great way to evoke some memories and excitement that we had as kids when VHS was the most popular type of format. Building a movie collection can be a long process, but you don’t have to rush yourself. On the other side, you can enjoy while you are collecting all those titles by getting and watching one by one. Here are some of the best ways to build an awesome movie collection.
Buy External Hard Drive

The average size of a movie on DVD is around 3GB, and it would take a lot of space to store all of those discs if you are planning to make some huge collection and save it on some discs. On the other hand, you can use the benefits of modern technology, and create a collection in digital format on your PC. However, you will notice that most of the hard drives might become too small, especially if your collection has a few hundred titles or more. Also, if your memory becomes full, your PC will also become slower and with reduced features. The best solution for storing your movies would be to get some big external storage, where you can easily save thousands of copies of your favorite movies.
You can choose between HDD and SSD. Our advice is to invest more money and get SSD memory, which is much faster. Some of the biggest SSD external hard drives on the market are with 16TB of memory. If you choose this size for your storage, you can save more than 5,000 movies on that one device. Also, technology is progressing really fast, which means that soon we will have external drives with 32TB, 64TB, and even more. Nonetheless, saving a couple of thousand movies would be remarkable for a start.
Create a Separate Space for Movies

If you choose a more traditional way for your movie collection, with lots of DVDs, you will need a space where you can keep all those titles in one place. For example, you can determine a wall in your room, or some other part of the home, where you can place some shelves to keep your DVDs there. For real enthusiasts, you can build shelves all around the room, where you can store thousands of DVDs, and create a unique and amazing collection of your favorite titles.
Besides making enough space for your collection, you will also need enough disks for all those movies. It can be pricey if you choose to buy one by one. In that matter, it would be best to buy a great number of empty DVDs at once. You can find the package with more than 100 discs for a cheap price on some online stores. On the other hand, you can choose to buy movies in DVD format, which is much easier than downloading them and copying them on the disc. You can find some great collections on Amazon, Walmart, eBay, AliExpress, and some other online stores as well.
Organize Your Collection

Whether you choose to save your movies on the hard drive or to have them physically by getting DVDs, you will have to organize your movies in several ways for better appearance and simple search throughout the set. For example, if you choose an option for saving movies virtually, you will need to create a lot of separate files, where you can sort your movies by genre or alphabetically. Our advice is to combine both methods, by creating a separate folder for each genre, save movies there alphabetically. Most of the PCs already have this option to align all files with letters.
When you choose to create a set of DVDs by storing them on shelves, you could mark shelves with letters for easier organization. Also, you can select various shelves to hold different genres and align titles there with alphabetic order. Apart from that, you can mark out a separate space for trilogies and movies with several sequels. For example, for Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Fast and Furious, and many more.
The Bottom Line

The whole process of creating your awesome set of titles and different genres should be amusing for you. In that matter, we advise you to be patient and to try to enjoy with your plan to create something unique. The best way for that is to make movie nights in your home more often, and have a great time with your friends, or a partner, and get all those films one by one. Your room can become an outstanding place when you have shelves full of DVDs on every wall. Also, you should combine that with some good home theatre, where the whole members of the family can enjoy in various genres that you managed to collect.