Can you imagine your first-morning coffee with pieces of cheese in it? Or with a combination of pepper and cinnamon? We admit we wouldn’t even dare to try that! However, in this and more surprising ways of consumption, many people enjoy their favorite coffee drink. Coffee is so unique, but yet so versatile beverage. Coffee can be made in many different ways.
The worldwide coffee-drinking ritual is associated with relaxation and a friendly chat. This beverage is consumed practically all over the world. However, making coffee, the ingredients, as well as the way it is consumed, is something that varies from country to country.
1. Finland

Kaffeost is prepared as follows: Hot coffee is poured over cheese cubes! While this may seem rather unremarkable to us, the Finns adore this strange combination.
2. Turkey

Turkish coffee is very familiar to us among the Balkan people. What makes it specific is the metal pot in which it is cooked. The Turks think that it gives her a special taste. This method of cooking and drinking coffee is quite strange for the rest of the world because the precipitate remains in the cup. Namely, the rest of Europe drinks coffee exclusively filtered.
3. Spain

As suggested by, Spanish latte coffee is famous all over the world. It is also well-known as Café con Leche. This is a white coffee that has its origins in Spain. It is a combination of some strong coffee with milk. People in Spain usually make it with some sort of espresso and condensed hot milk. This extremely tasty beverage is very popular in Latin America, the Philippines, and the Cuban parts of Florida. In these parts of the world, this coffee is served for breakfast.
4. Australia

The most popular coffee on this distant continent is called flat white. This is a kind of popular latte coffee, and very much similar to the cappuccino known around the world and is popular in Europe.
A single dose of espresso is poured into the cup and then topped with thick milk foam.
5. Greece

Frape is a very popular summer pizza in Greece. This drink was actually patented by the Nescafe Company back in 1957. It consists of cold instant coffee poured into a glass half full. Served also with made cold, milky foam.
6. Italy

Most of us are familiar with how to drink espresso in Italy. Espresso is consumed quickly in one or two sips. However, most of us do not know that espresso is served with a slice of lemon. After drinking the espresso, try the lemon slice. Italians believe that after a bitter taste of coffee, it leaves a sweet taste in your mouth. This drink is called espresso romano.
7. Mexico

Prepared with cinnamon, traditional Mexican coffee is served in a clay cup with unrefined sugar. Its name is Café de Olla.
8. Senegal

The beverage is spiced with pepper and served with clove spice. These spices are ground and cooked together with coffee, then served through a filter.
9. Brazil

Cafezinho is a very popular beverage among Brasilian locals. Similar to espresso, Cafezinho is actually a small dose of filtered strong coffee. The only difference is that this beverage is pre-sweetened. The sugar is ground together with the coffee beans.
10. Ireland

This is one of the most widespread coffees in the world. Irish coffee, consists of hot espresso, sugar, and whiskey, while creamy, milky whipped cream is added at the end.