In this hyperconnected world, people and businesses achieve more by working together and collaborating than by working alone. The ability to work and brainstorm together and collaborate using new-age tech is known as the “new mode of working.” This new way enables people to work anytime, anywhere, with any device. As a result, workers have started looking at productivity not in terms of the time they spend in the office but with measurable results.
At the same time, companies have realized that working remotely and collaborating is essential to remain competitive while reducing costs and improving productivity. Therefore, there is a need to find ways to enable collaboration even when working remotely.
This article explores how global business solutions can be built for new ways of working, such as telecommuting, remote collaboration, home offices, and other forms of non-traditional work.
What Are Global Business Solutions?

Global Business Solutions are a wide range of products and services that support the move of organizations and people to be more effective and efficient – regardless of where they’re located, who they work with, or what devices they use. They enhance the ability to work together and share information, including on-demand video conferencing, automated workflow, social collaboration tools, AI, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Global business services streamline collaboration, security, mobility, and analytics.
Adapting To The New Ways Of Working

Culture plays a very significant part in how people work. Organizations with a strong and positive culture have a higher chance of succeeding in adopting the new way of working. Some organizations may be more or less adaptive to remote work and flexible work arrangements. Companies must follow the flow and embrace the methods approved worldwide to survive in this cutthroat competition.
Organizational Change and Employee Training
Organizational change occurs when there is a need to change how things are done. A fundamental shift in how customers interact with a business often occurs. Once organizations understand what changes they need to make, they must ensure they change their culture, leadership, and technology to support this. They then need to prepare employees for working in a virtual environment.
The following steps can help organizations make these changes successfully:
• Companies must evolve their overarching management processes to conform to the virtual setting. Centralized management will fail to meet the needs of employees distributed geographically. A decentralized model of leadership that allows for faster decision-making at multiple levels must be evolved. This would require the development of new leaders at various stages of the management levels.
• Given that the virtual working model is here to stay, companies will also have to focus on reskilling their employees to work efficiently in the new normal. With the growing competition and thin margins, companies must ensure that their employees are at their best in terms of productivity. They would need some reskilling and upskilling. Companies can also look at incentivizing employees to do it.
• Companies must also understand the technology needed for the new way of working. Organizations may need collaboration tools, remote access, IoT, and other technologies to support the new way of working. It’s essential to make sure that management makes the right technology choices.
Emerging Technologies Helping Organizations Prepare

New technologies are emerging that are helping organizations prepare for the new way of working. These include Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, edge computing, and the IoT. The following sections explore two of the essential ones – AI and blockchain.
Artificial Intelligence
AI is a computer-based system capable of intelligent behavior, like a human. Artificial intelligence automates tasks, makes predictions, and generates learning from mistakes. AI is impacting business in several ways. In terms of business continuity, AI is helping organizations to anticipate and respond to problems before they occur. Integrating AI and software can be fully exploited with dedicated software. Companies can use software development services to get one if such software is unavailable.
A distributed ledger technology is used to secure and record transactions, assets, and other data. Although blockchain is often associated with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, it has many other applications. Blockchain helps organizations secure and store large amounts of data more efficiently. It also simplifies managing data by enabling organizations to create a single source of verification. It means organizations can share data with different departments.
3.5G Technology and the Future of Work
There is no doubt that the future of work is going to be different than what we are used to. Technology has always been a driving force behind change, and it seems that 5G technology is going to be at the forefront of this shift. Already, 5G technology is being used in hospitals and other medical settings to improve patient care.
Some believe that 5G will allow us to completely overhaul how we work. For example, one study found that a worker wearing a suit made out of fabrics that communicate with 4G chips could be replaced by a machine that does the same job. This could lead to huge reductions in labor costs, as well as changes in the way we think about jobs and careers.
While there are still some questions surrounding exactly how 5G will impact the future of work, it is clear that organizations need to start preparing for changes if they want to stay ahead of the curve.
In a world that is increasingly adopting a new, virtual working model, it has become necessary to create new working methods, and businesses must adapt to these methods to stay competitive.
Organizations need the right culture, leadership, and technology to support the new way of working. They also need to prepare employees to work in a virtual environment. Many emerging technologies are helping organizations prepare for the new way of working.
However, adopting technology in an existing business often becomes a challenge, just like upskilling is for employees. For this reason, businesses must consider using global business services, which smoothen the process and empower the employees to deliver for the company.