Finding a job in New Zealand is a relatively simple process for anyone who has the right skills. With high-paying roles, competitive salaries and a cost of living that is not only lower than many developed nations, but also increasing across the board, and considered among the best in the world, there’s never been a better time to work in New Zealand.
This step-by-step guide tells you everything you need to know about getting a job in New Zealand NZ. It includes helpful tips and links for applying for a job in New Zealand, getting a work visa, and more!
Learn About the Job Landscape in New Zealand

The New Zealand Government has been working very closely with Immigration New Zealand to attract more people from around the world to live in this beautiful country. It offers a wide range of jobs in New Zealand, and some companies are looking for workers in IT, engineering, biotech, business administration and management, construction and teaching.
These jobs are targeted exclusively at the citizens of foreign countries who are interested to live and work in New Zealand.
Opportunities exist for highly skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers. Job applicants need to meet the criteria of both Immigration New Zealand and prospective employers in order to be eligible for jobs in New Zealand.
Learn about how the job market in New Zealand works by searching thousands of jobs from top employers across New Zealand to find the right job for you.
Research Your Potential Employer

Want to stand out from the crowd and get a job in your dream field? Put your best foot forward, every time by learning about your potential employer.
Research companies that interest you by looking at their social media pages or LinkedIn profiles to learn more about them.
Don’t assume industries have the same recruitment techniques year after year; if you want to improve your chances of being found by the most relevant companies, look beyond job websites and reach them through their website and social channels.
Check out recruiters in your industry. Then review your employer’s website carefully and build up a profile of a typical company member and the culture they represent.
Write an Effective NZ-style CV

You’ve honed your skills and are ready to take on the world. But first – you need to show New Zealand that you’re coming in swinging with a resume that stands out.
Your CV isn’t a mere collection of buzzwords and content fluff—it’s an opportunity to make a great first impression on potential employers and show them you are the best candidate for the job.
New Zealanders have a unique way of presenting their CVs (resumes). Their key features are being concise, keeping it simple, and making it easy for readers to quickly understand what they can do.
Write your CV specific to the New Zealand job market. It’s important that your CV reflects your skills, experience and education.
Employers in New Zealand value qualifications earned overseas and may require them by name.
Look for Jobs That Fit Your Skill Set

There are several top-quality job sites in New Zealand that make it easy to find the right position. You can search for jobs by location or category, and filter your results accordingly. If you find a suitable opportunity, you can apply with confidence, knowing that the application process is safe and secure.
Jobs in New Zealand are posted every day on job portals and are available to anyone who is searching online. These sites have a high quality and comprehensive service for people wanting to find the latest information about working or travelling in New Zealand.
You can find visas and jobs advertised online and in the Kiwi Jobs newspapers, such as the Sunday Star-Times or Dominion Post. In fact, you could even land a position with a company halfway around the world before stepping foot on New Zealand soil. Simply search the web for your ideal job – just be sure to include New Zealand when doing so!
Apply for Jobs through Recruitment Companies

Find the most suitable job for your skillset with help from recruitment companies in New Zealand. They have the experience and expertise to match your needs with the right company or organisation. They know “accredited employers” which according to enjoys the support of Immigration New Zealand when such an employer selects a skilled worker.
There are numerous recruitment companies that help people get into the country and find work. Recruitment agencies have attracted bad press in the past, but nowadays they are more trustworthy than ever before.
Prepare to Ace Interviews

We all know that sending a CV and cover letter is important, but the way you present yourself in front of potential employers matters just as much. In fact, research shows that over 50% of hiring managers conduct interviews based on first impressions alone. You never really know for sure what’s going to happen once you step into that interview room, but by following a few simple rules, you can at least stack the odds in your favour.
Whether it is a phone interview, face-to-face interview or any other kind of job interviews, you need to be prepared.
Dress well for the occasion. A smart interview outfit isn’t necessarily the most expensive, but it looks good and translates your personal style. Bring out your best with your favourite pieces and accessories — a little black dress, silk blouse, tailored pants, tailored jacket and heels.
If you’re comfortable in clothes that flatter your shape, you look confident. If you have longer hair, take it out of the ponytail prior to the interview.
When you introduce yourself, keep it short and sweet – two minutes is all you have! Be sure to let your future employer know how you can help them.
The Wrap Up
Getting a job in New Zealand may seem intimidating at first. However, it is quite easy once you understand how the process works and what the requirements are.
New Zealand is a great place to live. People from many other countries choose to live here, and so can you. As an immigrant to New Zealand, your skills are valued and well paid. You’ll be able to make your own decisions, raise a family and enjoy all the benefits of living in this beautiful country.
Don’t just settle for an average job when you can live your dreams. New Zealand is an attractive country with a rich culture, very beautiful nature, friendly people and very good opportunities to live and work there.