There are many women out there who are of the opinion that there is just no bra in the world that fits them perfectly. There is not a terrifying feeling than not having the perfect fitting brassiere.
It can be safe to assume that every woman has been there at some point in their life. However, there are a few tricks and tips to get the right fit bra. In the following post, we discuss them in detail.
If it is the fit and the form that you are worried about, then you need to keep an open mind. It is all about the unlearning and relearning process. For even more information on how to choose the right bra for you, you can look at sites like So, let us get down to it.
Measure the bra size

According to– The first thing you need to keep in mind is that as far as bra fit is concerned, there is no one-size-fits-all concept. There are various styles and manufacturers, so in an ideal world, you should try every bra to get the right fit for your bust.
However, studies report that most women do not know their correct brassiere size. The bra size calculator inches are the ideal tools that you need to know your measurements accurately. The bra size measurement has a number of considerations. Here they are,
1. measuring the band size
All you need is a tape. Start by wrapping the tape around the chest, exactly where the bra band will sit. You need to make sure that the fit is snug. It should be neither loose nor too tight. If your measurement comes as an odd number or fraction, then you need to round it off to the next even number. Always perform this simple bit of math trick while measuring your band size.
2. The cup size
The second part is the measurement of the cup size. Use the tape to wrap around the fuller part of the breast. The expert tip is to measure at the level of the nipples. This will give you the most accurate fit. You need to round off this number as well if it is an odd number or a fraction.
3. The calculation
The last bit is the subtraction of the cup size from the size of the band. This difference in inches is the right brassiere size for your bust.
What do you need to remember?
Here are a few basics about bra sizes.

– The numerical part of the bra size is actually the size of the band. The alphabet size demarcates the cup size. So, if the size reads 32B, then “32” is the size of the band, and “B” is the cup size.
– When you are taking the measurements, you should do it without the brassiere or in a light T-shirt. It is essential that you avoid any thick layer of clothing like sweaters and hoodies.
– You need to be very careful and precise while taking the measurements in case you have heavy busts or sagging breasts. If you are in doubt, ask for a second opinion from a friend or family member.
– You have the option of a professional fitting at most of the reputed and brand stores. Expert measurements are more accurate, and you can learn a few tricks to make your decision making easier.
Finding the right bra
As discussed earlier, the fit of the bra can change depending on the style as well as the material. So, you need to know your size for every type. So, it is all about experiencing and multiple visits to the trial rooms. The more you try, the more experienced you are. But here are some pointers to guide you in the right direction.
About the straps
While testing out the straps, you can move your arms around, similar to the windmill. If you experience falling out or a hanging sensation for your breasts, then the fit might not be right for you. If the straps are adjustable, you can alter the fit, if not, then you need to move on.
There is a second consideration where you need to make sure that the straps are not too tight on your shoulders. If they are digging in, then the experience will be one of extreme discomfort. Check for spillage as well to make sure that the straps are perfect.
About the cups

For testing the cups, bend forward as you wear the brassiere. Make sure that your breasts are contained within the cup, and the underwire fits snug underneath your bust. You need to check for a snug fit of the cup.
About the band
To test the band, hook the bra at the first eye and make sure you can run your fingers along with the breadth of the brassiere. Keep in mind that any bra will loosen with time, but you have additional eyes to hook in that case.
However, you need to make sure that your fingers slide smoothly during the band test while making a purchase. Also, keep a lookout for the brassiere riding up the back. This means you need a smaller band size.
Additional points to keep in mind
– The first rule of thumb is the snug fit of the brassiere on the body. If it is too tight or loose, then the size is not right for you.
– The second point is to remember the fact that when you upsize or downsize, the cup size also changes. So, avoid amateur mistakes.
– Always measure your band size first and then follow it up with the cup size measurement.
– The ideal positioning of the breasts is precisely at the center, between the shoulder blades and the elbows.
– Go for adjustable straps to make life easier.
Armed with all the information and tricks, what are you waiting for? There are a wide variety of styles and prints to try out. Bra shopping is fun. So do not get bogged down by the pressure. If it feels comfortable, then it fits.