Title IX was originally passed in 1972 to end discrimination against women in federally funded education programs, but later on, it has since been expanded to cover sexual orientation and gender identity as well. There are many ways this law can be violated, including through sexual assault and harassment, pregnancy discrimination, denial of equal employment opportunities, and equal access to benefits.
You can check out Title IX defense lawyers at studentdisciplinedefense.com if you are in the middle of a Title IX case and you need legal help. Title IX lawyers will know all of your situations and which defenses could work for you. They will work around the school’s policies and procedures to prove them wrong. In fact, Title IX lawyers are worth hiring for defending you in a Title IX case. It is because they will fight for your rights and get you the justice you deserve.
For now, we will see the common examples of Title IX violations.
1. Sex discrimination in sports
Sex discrimination in sports is one of the most common forms of Title IX violations. Schools can refuse to grant a female athlete a scholarship or better treatment on the team because she is a woman. Also, colleges are prohibited from setting a higher standard to qualify a female athlete for competing in sports.
Title IX requires all athletic programs to be equally available to both male and female students. The only thing that can cause discrimination is if the school can prove that a woman does not have the same skill level as other athletes.
In sports programs, discrimination based on sex is a violation of Title IX. Schools are not allowed to place sex-based quotas on their student athletes. Also, an athletic program cannot use a quota to “balance out” the number of male and female athletes. There must be no quotas or other limitations on what kinds of sports girls can play. A school also cannot prohibit a girl from playing on its field hockey or basketball team.
2. LGBTQ discrimination
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students are not allowed to be discriminated against. Schools might deny a student’s request for accommodation because she is lesbian, queer, or transgender. Also, colleges might refuse to grant a student a scholarship because she identifies as queer or lesbian. All these can be considered Title IX violations.
The LGBTQ community is protected from discrimination under Title IX. If a student does not have equal access to facilities or activities like other students because of his or her gender identity, then it is an issue covered by Title IX. And schools can be liable for violating Title IX rules and regulations.
Both male and female sexual violence offenders can be victims of sexual violence but are often overlooked. The same goes for LGBTQ students being sexually assaulted by same-sex perpetrators. Most schools refuse to take steps to address the threats of sexual violence because they do not want to admit that is happening on their campus. Not reporting or taking action against LGBTQ discrimination in educational institutions is also a Title IX violation.
3. Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is considered one of the most common Title IX violations. Colleges are subject to liability for sexual harassment that is taking place on campus. And Title IX requires all schools to have a procedure for handling reports of sexual harassment.
Title IX claims are based on the fundamental right to an education without sexual harassment. Schools can be liable for failing to stop sexual harassment, if they know about it and fail to take appropriate action. It is a violation of Title IX that the school has no procedure in place. If someone is sexually harassed and there is no one they can report it to at their college, then the college could be liable for violating Title IX.
4. On-campus sexual assault
Sexual assaults on college campuses are also a common example of Title IX violations. Schools can be held legally responsible for any sexual assaults that happen on campus, regardless of whether or not the victims report them to school officials. Also, some schools have been accused by students of failing to properly investigate and prosecute reports of rape and sexual assault against students.
Sexual violence on a college campus is against the law. Schools must take steps to prevent and respond to on-campus sexual violence. Title IX requires all colleges that receive federal funding to have a process for responding to and investigating reports of sexual assault.
Students can report sexual assaults without fear of reprisals. They are protected by Title IX and can make reports even if they fear the school will not take their complaints seriously or handle the situation improperly.
5. Retaliation
Victims of sexual harassment, assault, and sexual assault can be subjected to retaliation by their schools. Under Title IX, colleges are prohibited from retaliating against a student who reports sexual harassment or assault.
If a student is sexually harassed or assaulted and she or he was retaliated against, the school can be in violation of Title IX. Also, schools are obligated to protect and support victims of sexual assault.
Title IX is a very useful law in stopping discrimination and sexual harassment at universities and colleges. The law applies to gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, and assault. In fact, Title IX gives students the right to be treated fairly in regard to athletic programs and activities, housing, financial aid, discipline, counseling services, and health services.
Title IX lawyers are very important in the field of education. They are the ones who can fight for your rights and help you fight for justice. While Title IX does not apply to every college, it includes most universities and colleges in the United States. When applying to any college, it is crucial to inform them about your preferences and ask them about their policies on Title IX. In addition, talking to the Title IX advisor of college will help you understand more about your rights and Title IX protections.