Any major repairs are accompanied by the implementation of such a mandatory type of work as electrical installation in the apartment or private house. To do this, at the stage of planning, you need to decide on every issue. On the plan, mark the sites of the switchboard, sockets and switches. Drawing up a detailed diagram will help you take into account what the approximate power consumption will be. Besides, you will be able to plan the sites of household appliances and furniture so that all devices in your home have free access to sockets.
To perform all the work, it’s necessary to have a number of skills as well as to know the basic nuances of conducting electricity. If you aren’t an expert in this field, it’s better not to take risks and contact professionals. This variant will be advantageous as organizations that carry out electrical repair assume warranty obligations. If something fails due to the fault of specialists or due to other circumstances beyond your control, you won’t have to invest in repairs again.
Types of Electrical Installation Works

Electrical installation works in the apartment can be of different workloads: starting with the replacement of sockets and ending with the full cycle of electrical wiring in the premises, or, for example, major repairs are being carried out. Depending on the complexity of the work performed, you should evaluate whether you can handle the work yourself or you will have to resort to the help of third-party organizations that provide professional installation services.
If you are going to completely replace your electrical wiring in the apartment, you can’t do it without the help of specialists. You need to design a new electrical circuit, which is quite difficult to do independently, without being an expert in this field. Moreover, during the renovation of your apartment, electrical works with your own hands should be carried out before plastering the walls, so that it’s possible to hide the wires. Sockets and switches are installed after all the wallpaper is pasted.
Among the main electrical works that are usually carried out in the apartment, one can point out:
· Complete replacement of old electrical wiring
· Making up a load distribution scheme
· Wiring of indoor lighting
· Connecting low-current lines
· Installation of switches and sockets
· Connecting a phone line
When planning a list of deals related to electrical works in the apartment, you should take into account the choice of equipment that you plan to install in the house in the near future. Otherwise, you will have to use extension cords, which will disrupt the aesthetic appearance of the interiors of your rooms. Besides, the number of devices that will be installed in your apartment will depend on the load level, which should be planned in advance to avoid possible failures and malfunctions in your electrical system.
Related Materials for Electrical Installation

To complete the electrical repair in the apartment, it’s necessary to have special tools that are widely represented today on the market of building materials. They include:
Solderer. It’s used to connect electrical wires by soldering.
• Tweezers and clamps. They are necessary to make it convenient to fix the wire in the desired position during installation.
• Crimper. It’s used for connecting wires and pressing their tips.
• Knives, wire cutters and pliers. These tools are used to remove insulation materials that cover wires (even if they are energized up to 1000 V).
• Cable cutters. They are necessary for fast cutting of cables and wires.
When choosing materials for electrical work, give preference to proven forms, so that the work process wouldn’t be slowed down due to the crack of particular equipment. If you turn to professional electrician services, such as those at website Home Alliance, to conduct electricity in the house, this won’t be necessary, but it’s recommended to have at least soldering equipment at hand. It gives you an opportunity to carry out minor repairs yourself, if necessary.
Recommendations for Drawing Up an Installation Plan

It’s best to perform electrical installation in the apartment, focusing on a pre-drawn-up plan, which will prescribe the step-by-step implementation of certain works.
First of all, you should draw up a picture that shows the sites of sockets, switches and junction boxes. Besides, it’s important to decide on the place where the main switchboard will be located – at the entrance or inside the apartment.
When you have a ready-made plan in your hands, calculate how much wiring will be necessary to cover all the switches, sockets and lighting points in the house. At the same time, make a small margin, since there will be some obstacles in the form of corners, ascents and turns along the way of wiring. It’s usually recommended to make a stock at the rate of 10% of the total number.
Then you can start installing electrical wiring while observing the safety precautions and requirements prescribed in the “Rules for electrical installation”. To get the perfect operation of all connected objects as a result of installation, you need to carefully plan the implementation of work and clearly follow the instructions. Besides, don’t forget about earthing, which will also need to be done.
If you have some crucial issues, it’s better to contact an emergency electrician. A real professional can perform the necessary work fast and provide you with some guarantees. He will tell you which wiring to choose, advise you on quality certificates for wires, and check the integrity of the wires with a special indicator before and after laying the wire into the wall. Since then the wires will need to be plastered.
Remember that self-installation of electrical wiring might be dangerous. Entrust all electrical works to experienced specialists and comply with the requirements of electrical and fire safety. It’s better to feel safe after spending some money than worry about your future in the apartment as self-installation has been performed.