Having a patio or a balcony, no matter how small it is, is priceless. It is important to have some outdoor space to go out and enjoy a nice cup of coffee or a glass of wine with friends. However, decorating depends on many factors – your preferences, the budget and the size of the patio you have available. We have gathered a few tips, so you can create a nook that you will enjoy every chance you get.
1. Add a table and chairs

Choose a table where you will be able to put a mug, book or newspapers when you get the chance to go out and enjoy some fresh air. The best thing is to go for the ones that can be folded, just because it is more practical that way. Any time you don’t need them, you can put them back inside, or put them aside so they are not in the way. If you have enough space, you can go to a patio bar set. They will give you the comfort you want but also look amazing. There are great pieces of furniture. If you are not sure what would be the best choice, check out this guide alltopguide.com. Choose the one that would complement your space and also be sufficient for your family.
2. Decorate with plants

Plants can truly make any space beautiful and cozy. Depending on the space you have, you can add small flowers or go for something bigger. Either way, plan your space well, so there are not too many things on the way. Think about your habits. If you like to have enough space to stretch and do yoga, then putting too many plants may not be the best solution. The most important thing is to decorate everything, so it completely suits the needs of your family.
3. Think about an outdoor rug

Rugs can truly make the patio or balcony interesting. Choose some pattern that you like and that inspires you. Combine it well with other items and you will have one pleasant and relaxing space where you will be able to spend time and unwind when you are too tired or stressed out. However, that can be more difficult for maintenance, so make sure you keep that in mind as well.
4. Decorate the walls

Walls are often neglected and forgotten. If you are making a nook in front of your house or an apartment balcony, don’t forget to use the space you have on your wall. You can add shelves where you can put your favorite books, flowers, some interesting gifts or a painting. It is completely up to you how you will decorate the space you have available. Keep an open mind and let your creativity spread its wings. No matter how much space you have available, make the most of it.
5. Hang a hammock

A hammock is the first association to vacations, some nice beaches and sunny weather, complete relaxation and surrender, so why wouldn’t you put one at your home? If you have enough space, then there is really no reason why you wouldn’t create a small oasis in your piece of the world. Make it completely cozy, especially if your job requires you to be creative often. The only way you can be creative is if you let yourself enjoy the free time you have.
6. Have a resting area

If you are blessed to have space big enough to recline from time to time, then you should definitely put some chairs where you can rest and read a book. Don’t forget to add a few pillows, so your comfort is not compromised in any way. If it’s chilly outside, make sure you have a blanket handy.
7. Protect your privacy

If your neighbors are close by, then it will be necessary to find some creative way to protect yourself from their curiosity. Try adding some bamboo shade or put high plants to create a natural wall. Depending on the type and size of the space you have, plan it well and don’t forget to combine the design and the patterns with the other items on your balcony or the patio. This way, you can be sure that you can truly enjoy the time when you don’t have to do anything, not even talk to anyone. It is truly important to have some time for yourself, even if it’s half an hour a day.
8. Add the lights

Sitting outside in the evenings during summer is a truly enjoyable experience. However, in order to be able to fully enjoy it, you will need plenty of lights. This is not the only reason, of course, spending some quality time with the person you love cannot be imagined without a dimmed light. Add the lights strategically, so it truly complements the space you have, so you can truly enjoy it.
These were some of the main proven tips that can help you to decorate your patio or the balcony. When you start decorating, make sure you have the exact measurements of the space and plan the budget well. Making lists is truly recommendable here because it is easier when you put everything you need on a piece of paper and then buy one item at a time. Take your time and don’t rush it. Making a nook should be a true enjoyment and a process that will give you pleasure.
Don’t put too much stuff, but rather add one thing at the time. This way, you will be able to assess better if everything you have planned for the space is truly convenient or it is simply your desire to have it. Remember, less is more. There is no point in putting too much stuff and then having little space to sit and enjoy your morning coffee. Your patio should be your piece of heaven and a chance to enjoy the free time you have in the best way possible.