Out of all the things that we clear on a daily basis, walls always seem to get the least of our attention. It is not until there is a big, eye-piercing stain on the wall that we decide to grab a cleaning cloth and try and get it cleaned up. However, before you start scrubbing your walls, or panels for that matter, you have to think about one thing – will you ruin it even further by cleaning?
Believe it or not – that’s a valid question. Most walls or panels are covered with a coat of paint or something similar to paint that you can easily scrape off by trying to clean up the mess you made. So, to avoid making a bad situation worse, we’ve decided to give you a couple of tips on how to clean your walls and panels.
1. Dusting Comes First

Let’s say you’ve decided to clean your walls. There are no apparent stains or anything like that, but you just want to give a good, deep cleanse. Well, in that case, you should start by dusting the walls first. Dusting the walls will remove the dust particles that are sitting on the surface of the wall without damaging the paint or the wall itself.
Don’t ever dust the walls side-to-side or, god forbid, from bottom to top. Always start up top and work your way down. like beaver maids. Whether you use a regular or a dust broom doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you work your way down the wall; otherwise, you’re just going to make a bigger mess. Also, you can even use a vacuum with a brush attachment if you have one. This should speed up the job significantly while also making the whole process less messy.
2. Mouldy Surfaces Are Best Left To Professionals
If you notice mold or mildew anywhere on your walls – it’s usually best not to clean all by yourself. Sure, most of the molds found in homes are pretty much harmless, unless you’re allergic, but still, dusting or cleaning the moldy areas will disperse the moldy spores all through the air and you’re going to end up inhaling them. Once again, the chances of something terrible happening are rather slim, but you shouldn’t take your chances. If there’s mold on your walls – call a professional cleaning crew and let them deal with it.
3. Be Gentle With Bright Surfaces

Whenever there is a white or an eggshell-coloured wall – you want to go easy on them. Many believe that when a wall is bright, you don’t have anything to worry about. The foundation of the wall is white, so, what’s the worst that can happen?
Well, the only scenario where this is true is if you’ve painted your walls multiple times in the same exact colour without scraping off the previous paint job. If you haven’t done that, you’re just going to end up removing the fresh coat of paint from your wall and end up with a large stain.
Instead, what you’ll want to do is get a soft, damp sponge or a soft cleaning cloth and gently scrub whatever needs to be scrubbed. Just make sure you don’t scrub too hard, or you’ll do exactly what we said you were going to do a few seconds ago.
4. You Can Be Less Careful With Glossy Surfaces
When it comes to glossy panels and surfaces – you can be a little rougher. Now, we don’t mean that you should grab a firm brush and scraping the surface – you should never do that. But, you don’t have to be as gentle as you would if you were cleaning a bright-coloured wall.
Think of it as glass. With glass, you’re able to use some slightly harsher cleaning solutions and scrub a little harder with your cleaning cloth or a sponge, but still, you’d never use something that could scratch that beautifully smooth, glossy surface.
5. Be Gentle With LED Panels

If you’re a gamer, chances are, you have a couple of LED panels on your walls. Now, those LED panels need cleaning, as well. Since we’re talking about semi-sensitive electronics, once again, you can’t be too harsh. First of all, you’ll want to disconnect them from a power source – just in case. Next up, you’ll want to either dust them with a broom or vacuum the dirt off of them – whichever you find easier to do.
After you’re done with removing the dust, you can grab a soft cleaning cloth or a sponge and a mild, non-abrasive cleaning solution and start gently wiping and cleaning the panel. Now, if you want to know how to keep any other LED screen clean – feel free to visit this link.
6. Test It Out
The golden rule of cleaning walls and panels is this – always test your cleaning solution on a small surface, preferably somewhere hidden. This is done in order to prevent a major mess from happening if you’ve purchased a cleaning solution that’s too strong or you have a cleaning tool that’s just too harsh. It is always better to sacrifice a small, hidden portion of the wall than to start from the middle and create an eyesore. So, before you start cleaning the walls and panel – spot-test it!
7. If You’re Using Water – Use Warm Water

Water is often our number one choice when it comes to cleaning, well, pretty much everything. Now, as we know, cold water isn’t really as effective as hot water. However, seeing how you’re probably going to hold the sponge or the cleaning cloth in your hands, hot water may not be the best choice. Furthermore, hot water may be too much for your paint job and it might start dissolving the paint, and you’ve guessed it – leaving you with a big “stain”. So, the only thing left to do is use warm water. If you want, you may mix the water with a mild cleaning solution or a detergent – but just make sure to find the right one.
There you have it. Those were our seven tips on how to clean walls and panels. Hopefully, one of these will come in handy the next time you start cleaning.