Taking a look at many statistics will tell you that more people have tobacco smoking addiction than any other. The only other one that can rival it is alcohol. Substances like cannabis, heroin, or cocaine have much fewer users than those two. Since the consequences of using these are way more severe, people are not ready to use them as much as tobacco and alcohol.
We can see that cigarettes are completely legal. Still, that doesn’t make them less dangerous. Numerous conditions are a direct consequence of using this substance.
Numerous medical reports are done on this topic. We are witnessing the consumption rate decline in practically every country. We can even say that it will decline even more in the future.
Happily, there are many healthier alternatives. If you’re interested in checking one of these, visit vape4ever.com. Vaping is not really harmless, but it is a much less harmful and healthier option than smoking. Some studies have discovered that vaping can be a very helpful stepping stone to quitting. Vape to quit smoking. You certainly know how hard it is to quit addictions like tobacco smoking. The latest studies show that giving up on this habit is not so hard as many people believe. In fact, the real reason behind it is that those who consume it are not motivated enough to do it.
Let’s take a look at what the latest study says on this topic.
Why is Motivation Crucial?

As is the case with anything in life, you need to be motivated enough to sustain and overcome all the challenges. Sure, smoking tobacco is an addiction you shouldn’t underestimate. As you can presume, there are many symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. We are talking about craving, weight gain, insomnia, frequent cough, mood swings, and constipation.
With that in mind, having the right mindset will provide you with an upper hand. It’s not possible to overcome these symptoms without motivation. Many things can inspire you to make this move. For example, many people give up tobacco when they are about to become parents, especially women. Surely, you would like for your children to grow up in a clean environment, without inhaling the smoke produced by combustion.
However, people who don’t have this sort of motivation will have a much hard time giving up the habit. They will start smoking again when they experience the first craving. That’s why is important for them to find it. Not to mention that being disciplined during this process is crucial. You cannot be successful without it. Naturally, there are many ways you can find motivation and stay persistent.
How to Stay Motivated?
As we’ve said previously, staying motivated enough is an absolute must. But, it is much harder than you might think it is since there are so many possibilities. Everyone has their method to inspire themselves. Let’s see some of the ways you can stay motivated.
1. Mental Limitations

A vast majority of people who want to stop consuming tobacco will not think about what’s stopping them from doing it. For some, the main mental limitation is hanging out with friends and family who have this habit, and don’t want to give it up. Until you have enough confidence to maintain your discipline, you should put a stop to hanging out with them. For other people, cravings are simply too much to handle. If you take a look at it carefully, you will see that this is just another mental limitation you need to overcome.
2. Visual Reminders
Among the priorities, you should have some sort of visual reminder. It’s not uncommon to see some ex-smokers who use calendars, and they mark every day they have gone without tobacco smoking. On the other side, you can produce a daily schedule that will make you busy enough not to focus on cravings and a wide array of diverse symptoms of withdrawal.
3. Think About Your Health

Many individuals out there need graphic experience to understand something. In this case, showing smokers what tobacco does to their organism will surely help them understand why they should quit. Plus, constantly remind yourself about all the conditions you can face in the future. We are talking about conditions like lung cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, etc. While many will drop the habit when they see these. However, some need to see the consequences to quit completely.
4. One Motive is not Enough
Last but not least, it’s important to talk about is having more than just one motive. Handling these can be much harder than you might think. For instance, you can combine visual reminders and think about health problems. Once again, staying motivated enough is a much bigger problem than addiction. Combining two or more motivations will certainly increase the chance for you to overcome this addiction. So, find the right combination that will help you succeed.
Consult with Former Smokers

If you’re interested to stop smoking, then consulting someone with this sort of experience is a great possibility for you to learn. They will provide a lot of helpful information that can make this process much simpler for you. Think about that, these people know exactly what you’re going through. Therefore, don’t be afraid to share even the smallest of details.
It’s important to say that they will not judge you in any way. On the other side, there are many tips you can find online on how to handle this situation. Still, we believe that this is a deeply personal experience, and you need to do it on your own. Ex-smokers will help you to navigate through it, without interfering too much. So, asking for this sort of advice should be a priority, if you ask us.
In Conclusion
As you can see, quitting tobacco is a pretty complex topic. Many elements need to fall in line before you can succeed. We believe that this study has delivered a crucial insight to the smoker on how they should handle this situation. Basically, it’s all up to you and your efforts, and no one can help you if you are not persistent enough. So, keep the motivation on the highest possible scale and understand how to achieve it.