Whether you are launching a new site or want to migrate an existing one, you need to know how to choose a web host. Just like when it comes to buying any other product – most people will need help and a good recommendation to make a decision. You need to know which things determine a good choice when it comes to this type of service. So what are the factors we need to consider when choosing web hosting?
What Is Web Hosting?
You start a new business and would like to create your website. To be able to set up your site on the Internet at all, you need to rent space on the server from a hosting provider – a company that deals with this type of service professionally. In that case, you rent space on one of their servers – and they are in charge of keeping your site on the Internet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Types Of Web Servers
There are several types of servers – and we will try to explain which types are most often offered.
Free hosting
If you just want to publish your site at no extra cost – you should know that there are services that offer space on their servers for free. These are some blogging services and internet communities you probably know. For example, you heard of WordPress.com, Blogger.com, Wix.com, etc. However, this option is by no means recommended, because it has many drawbacks such as:

- Annoying banners and popup windows.
- Restrictions on the type of content you can post.
- Limited control over page navigation, and content layout.
- Lack of domain name.
- Unsuitable for business or serious websites.
Shared hosting
The needs of most users are reduced to a shared web server. Hosting a site on this server means that many users and sites share space on one physical server. Of course, this doesn’t mean that someone else can access your site. Here you are allocated space and conditions of its use for a certain monthly or annual amount of money.
Dedicated server
A dedicated server allows you to have the entire server to yourself. When your hosting provider rents a dedicated server – they will bookmark it, make sure it works continuously, or restart it if necessary. However, the rest is up to you, which is both good and bad at the same time. You can install whatever you want on the server – but if it stops working, you will have to take care of the repair yourself.
WordPress hosting

This is the best option for anyone who intends to build their site or blog in WordPress. Although today you can install WordPress on almost any server that exists – such servers, purposely created for WordPress, provide far better conditions for the operation of WP sites because they are fully adapted to their requirements.
Choice Of Web Hosting Service
The wrong choice of web host can cost you both earnings and nerves. According to WebpageScientist.com, hosting is a place on the server that you bought for your website or a web-store – and on whose quality the complete online presence of your company depends. If you are a beginner, it is best to leave the care of the professionals, the software you need, and data security to the professionals, so that you can deal with the presentations of your products and services.
Many hosting companies will also offer you free advertising, automatic translation into a foreign language, and integration with social networks – as well as optimization of your e-shop. However, pay attention to what is most important to you and that is a quality hosting. Such hosting should provide you with quality presentations, customer support, safety at work – and availability at all times with a satisfactory flow speed.
5 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Web Host

1. Technical Support
First of all, you should know what kind of support you need. The worst that can happen is that the website stops working – or you face a problem with the emails. No one can guarantee that there will be no downtime, but when that happens – it is very important to have technical support that will solve it immediately. This means finding a web host with professional and affordable support – which speaks your language and can solve your problem right away.
2. Parking
Find out if you can easily park other domains of your company. Many agencies buy .com, .net, .org domains of their brand, as well as misspelled domains, domains with product names. The brand management team must put all these domains in its control panel so that it doesn’t lose any visitors.
3. Availability
The last thing you want your visitors to see when accessing your site is a white page. Therefore, it is necessary to rent hosting from a provider that has a good uptime reputation. Your site cannot be visible if your hosting provider has frequent server outages. So, find a hosting provider with 99% availability – to make sure that your site will be visible.

4. Flexibility
With some hosting providers, it is quite difficult to make certain changes to your account. If so, avoid them. Your hosting provider must give you full access to your account – to add email addresses, make changes to the configuration of your environment, etc. The most important thing is to have free access to the mail so that you can check your mail at any time. Most providers provide this service – but beware of those that do not.
5. Additional Costs
Even if the price indicated by your hosting provider suits you – you need to know what you are paying for. Hosting providers often “catch” users at a low starting price – so they can charge them for each additional service later. First, you pay and the package is activated. You want to set up your site, and you want to open an email address – but your provider issues you an additional invoice. Do you want to add another SQL database? Another invoice. You want a blog -pay once again. So, be careful and keep this in mind when making a decision.