We all want what’s best for our little ones, and that includes buying them the prettiest, most comfortable clothes there is. Now, we could argue for days about what’s appropriate attire for a child or what are the most fashionable kids’ items, but no one has time for that.
Instead, we want to talk to you about something that you can really argue about, which is the best kind of fabric for kids’ clothing.
What Do Kids Need?
So, what do kids need? We all know that our pretty little rascals are active and are constantly getting into trouble, but how does that translate to clothes? Well, if you’re looking for a perfect piece of cloth to make children’s clothes out of, you need something easily washable, comfortable, breathable, not-too-expensive, and most of all – durable. You wouldn’t want to buy a new pair of pants every time they fall down, wouldn’t you? Also, who wants to throw away old shirts every time they spill something on them just because you can’t wash the stain off?
With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best fabrics for kids’ clothes – 2024 edition.
1. Cotton
Cotton, or for those more fabric savvy, lawn cotton, is probably the most commonly used fabric for kids’ clothing. It’s lightweight, breathable, hypoallergenic, and depending on how it’s woven – it can be very, very durable.
Cotton is generally the most sought-after fabric for clothes in general because of the properties we mentioned above. It is very smooth to the touch, relatively inexpensive to manufacture and sell, and if you get a high thread count fabric – you’ll have yourself a shirt that’ll last for ages. Well, not for ages because kids will quickly grow out of it, but hey, when they do, you’ll have yourself a nice cleaning rag.
2. Voile
Voile is a fabric people often confuse with cotton, well, cheaply made cotton. It’s not that voile is cheap and low-quality, but it is kind of a gauze-like fabric. It is quite similar to cotton when you touch it, as it has that same velvety smoothness to it. However, unlike cotton, voile is usually see-through. But, you want to know something funny? Voile is actually 99% cotton. It’s just differently woven and is usually blended with polyester or linen. As such, voile is often used to manufacture summer dresses for cute little girls, or in the case of grown-up girls – veils.

3. Denim
Some of you might argue that denim is too harsh for kids, but c’mon, you can’t tell us that you can’t picture your little kid wearing one of the denim jackets you’d find if you click here. Not only that, is there anything better suited for active children than denim jeans? They can fall as many times as they want, and even if they rip their jeans at the knees – you can always just say you’ve bought them distressed jeans because they’re hip now. Also, jeans shorts will never go out of fashion – at least for girls. So, denim’s one of our favourites!
4. Wool
There’s nothing more cosy and comfortable than a nice woollen sweater on a chilly winter day. Pair that up with a woollen hat and a pair of cute little woollen gloves, and your child can have all the fun in the snow they want – if they don’t mind spending time away from their phone or a tablet.
All jokes aside, to us, there’s nothing cuter than a woollen sweater or even a turtleneck on a child. It just looks so cute and childish, but serious and grown-up at the same time. Not to mention how warm they’ll be. And, oh, we can’t forget about woollen socks – perfect if your child can’t keep their house slippers on.

5. Linen
Just like cotton, linen is one of nature’s most popular fabrics for clothes in general. We like it for kids’ clothing because it’s durable, lightweight and breathable – perfect for the hot summer weather. Your kid could be out and about for the whole day when it’s blazing hot outside, and they’d still feel fresh.
Now, on the other hand, you’ll never manage to iron those shirts the way you want them to. So, if you don’t mind your kid sporting a little grunge, distressed look – we’re all for linen. And oh, we’d wait until your kids are at least five, as linen can be a little harsh on the skin.
6. Fleece
Back in the day, people were running from artificial fabrics when it came to clothes for children, but nowadays – we know better. Well, we know how to make better synthetic fabrics. On that note, fleece should be your go-to fabric for any kind of kids’ clothing, especially something sporty.
A fleece tracksuit will have your child nice and comfy in whatever situation they’re in. Also, despite being synthetic, fleece is hypoallergenic. So, it’s not like your kid is going to come home from school with itchy and red skin like they would 30-or-so years ago when synthetic fabrics were horrible.

7. Bamboo Rayon
Bamboo rayon was also one of the fabrics that had a bad reputation back in the day, but as years have passed, we’ve perfected our craft. Nowadays, bamboo rayon is one of the softest, most durable fibres on the planet. So, not only will your kids be comfy – they’ll have a hard time ruining their clothes.
Its natural anti-bacterial properties make it a very fine choice for children’s clothes. Also, bamboo’s naturally thermo-regulating, making bamboo rayon clothes suitable for both summer and winter. Although, we’d stick with wool during the chilly season.
8. Satin
Alright, alright… This one might be a bit controversial, but satin’s a dope fabric. It’s lightweight, breathable, smooth as butter, and it looks absolutely fabulous. Why wouldn’t you want your kid to look fabulous?
Once again, all jokes aside, we love sating clothes for children, especially for summer clothes. Satins shirts and dresses are our go-to for the hot summer days. Also, satin almost never wrinkles, so – less time spent ironing. Sounds like a good deal to us.

There you have it. If you’d like to add a few of your own choices – feel free to leave us a comment. We wouldn’t mind expanding our list. However, we’d also be very pleased if our child’s wardrobe had all these fabrics inside of it. We’re fairly certain it wouldn’t need anything else.