Developing smartphones has increased tremendously over the years. As the advancement in technology continues to emerge and expand. Developers continue to develop better smartphones and powerful compared to outdated phones. The industries which make phones have grown abundantly all over the world, making billions of dollars.
Smartphones have made work easier for everybody around the globe.
In the past, phones were used by people for communication only. Still, in the advancement of technology, Smartphones have many features and different functions that help the user perform many tasks. Each smartphone has different specs. Some specs include RAM, ROM, Processor, display, and smartphone size. People are addicted to phones with better features depending on the task they want to perform using the smartphone.
There are many good activities one can perform with their smartphone, like taking pictures. The following are the top five activities you can do with your smartphone.
1. Running and Advertising a Business

Smartphones have become a tool in which people can run and advertise their businesses. Using a smartphone, you can create mobile-friendly websites for your business.
You can put promotion content, text, and advertisements that promote your business and even inform your clients about new products and deals on the websites. Since smartphones are easy to carry, unlike laptops and desktops, you can access your business and run it from any place at any time.
Many business people would love to get feedback about their products or services as soon as possible to find new ways to improve their products and services. These have been made easy since, from a smartphone, it only takes a touch of a button for customers to send a compliment or a complaint about the product and services they have received. From a smartphone, you get to access all your contacts. You can use this to connect with potential clients and friends since the connection is only a touch away.
You get to chat with potential clients or even face-time them through the internet using great apps such as skype. Having fruitful conversations with customers, especially face-to-face conversations makes the business fun and easy because it is likely to thrive with fruitful communication between a business person and their customers. Social media also allows one to stay connected to their customers.
2. Playing Games

Through a smartphone, you get to enjoy your free time by downloading games of your choice and playing them. You get to access not only video games but also casino games from their platforms like
Playing games comes with several positive effects on us. When you play a game and figure out that you can solve difficult puzzles, you are more likely to be in a perfect mood. Gaming also boosts your brainpower as you are required to think deep when solving certain problems from games. For smartphones, you can choose the games your kids can access and play. This helps you to keep track of the kind of games they access.
Games from smartphones help improve kids’ concentration and teach them new things; they also help kids with autism. Smartphone games are social and bring people together through gaming which supports social interactions between people. When you are coming from a busy day or need a break from work, a few minutes of playing a game on your smartphone can be all you need to feel recharged and energetic.
3. Keeping track of a diary and calendar

Having a diary, journal, and calendar on your smartphone help you stay on track with your day-to-day activities. A calendar helps you to mark important days and events, this helps you to make appointments easily and faster since you have a schedule that you are familiar with it. When going out for an appointment, you may not need to carry a separate diary or notebook since you already have one on your smartphone. You can easily set reminders on your smartphone to notify you when the important days you marked on your calendar are around.
Smartphones have given us a free and safe space to keep our journals. Here, you can write down your thoughts, feelings, and goals, and you need not fear anyone else accessing this but you. Smartphones allow you to lock the apps we consider private, giving you a certain satisfaction of safety.
4. Taking photos

Using a smartphone, you can take selfies of yourself, take photos of your children, family, and even friends. You can even take videos of momentous events that you want to keep a record of them. For instance, you might find it useful to take photos and videos of a family gathering you attended because you feel like you must do so. Having a smartphone with you might be extremely useful than you may even know.
If a car almost runs you over and you would like to report, you might take a picture of the registration number. Whenever you come across information from books or magazines that you might want to read later, you can just as well take photos of the pages using your smartphone. Nothing feels better than being able to take pictures and keep them as memory at a place you can access with just a touch of a button.
5. Fitness and calories Tracking

You can do a lot with your smartphone, and it may not be necessary always to buy a separate fitness band. A smartphone can assist you in keeping track of your nutrition and calories by just entering the details of what you have been eating. You can download applications that help you plan your meals and exercises.
Your health needs to have search information with you since if you figure out that you are eating out, you can look up what is healthy on the menu. You can also use your phone as a heart rate monitor, which helps you measure and track your health trends. Having track of your health and maintaining it from a smartphone is a great boost for your health.
In conclusion, you can do a lot of benefits using your smartphones, from face-timing your family in another country to presenting during a meeting at work. Some of the activities you can do with your smartphone are life-changing. You can have everything that goes on in your life on your smartphone. What is better than that?