Whenever we look at this day and age, we shall see that modern technology is all around us. It has penetrated pretty much every aspect of our daily lives and our society. There’s no industry or branch of the industry where it doesn’t play a major role in making the processes smoother and way more effective. Start by taking a look at all the devices around us, like mobile phones, laptops, desktop PCs, etc.
Within each one of these devices, you will find endless possibilities. Since there are so many modern technologies that surround us, nobody should be surprised why human society advances so fast, especially in the last three decades. One of the industries that have suffered the most changes during this period is the healthcare industry.
We all know how important it is to provide the best possible treatments to people in need. That’s why the advancement this one has experienced is important. If you need help with developing healthcare software, be sure to look for help at LightIT. Now, we want to provide you with a list of top healthcare software development companies you should know about in 2024.
1. ScienceSoft

The one we want to start this list of ours with is ScienceSoft. We are talking about a corporation that has a long tradition in the healthcare industry. It has been established back in the late eighties, and it still plays a key role in the global industry. Since then, the business has been pretty active in providing medical software to various organizations.
The company offers various services, like end-to-end development of various applications for medical devices, telehealth apps, patient monitoring systems, IoMT systems, and many more than that. The company is operating in three different regions of the world, Europe, North America, and Asia.
One of the highlights they offer is digital care delivery solutions. For those who don’t know what these are, we are talking about digital therapeutics and remote monitoring of patients. Also, they provide a complete service of maintaining the infrastructure which has been maintained.
2. Novartis

Without any doubt, Novartis is one of the best-known names in the industry. Its efficient modus operandi makes it possible for the corporation to provide healthcare services to more than a billion people from all over the world. Also, it employs more than 125k people in more than fifty countries.
The company itself was established back in the mid-nineties when two smaller companies merged, and the new alliance has been able to grow so much in the next three decades. In the last couple of years, it has experienced massive growth both in revenue and the number of employees.
3. Hyperlink InfoSystem

If you want to take a look at one of the most creative companies in the field of medical software out there, you shouldn’t look further than Hyperlink InfoSystem. Even though it doesn’t have a long tradition, especially when compared to other firms of this sort, it has been able to become quite an important one on the market.
Why is this so? The team is made of 700+ employees, who are working in numerous branches of the industry, mainly through providing the existing concepts with some interesting innovations.
The company has its headquarters in a couple of cities, like London, New York, and Dubai.
4. Stryker

Stryker is a Michigan-based healthcare company that has been widely perceived as a reliable company that has been able to branch out in more than a hundred countries in the world. With almost 50k employees from all over the globe and almost $20 in revenue only in 2024, it is easily one of the recognized names in the industry.
What needs to be said about this one is that it is older than any other company we have named in this article of ours. It has been established back in 1941 and has been a driving force in the production of numerous medical devices and healthcare software. Its products have become practically irreplaceable.
5. Edwards Lifesciences

Our list wouldn’t be complete without choosing a company that focuses on medical innovations, especially for cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, we want to present you with Edwards Lifesciences. The company provides its services to pretty much all the most important clinics in the world that specialize in cardiovascular illnesses.
The products and innovations produced by this company are sold in more than a hundred countries from all over the globe. Besides that, the company has done a lot by providing charities to around 250 organizations. At the same time, their profits are constantly invested in producing modern solutions to cardiovascular problems.
The origins of this company are interesting. It came to be after the dissolution of Baxter, back in 2000. Since then, it has been consistent with providing its clients with high-quality software. When you consider all these aspects, you can be sure that it has ensured itself a bright and quite competitive future in the market.
6. Codal

Lastly, we want to mention a company that has been able to establish itself as one of the most prominent ones out there. We are talking about Codal. Codal is a company that provides its clients with custom healthcare software development. They are using all the modern features and technologies in their modus operandi.
It is a company known for the agility, quality, and trust it has been able to build with its clients. By providing these services, they ensure that their client will have a prosperous future as institutions. They are equally effective in developing mobile and website applications for their clients.
The Bottom Line
When you take a look at the list of all the medical software development companies out there, you will see that the list is practically endless. That’s why we have decided to provide you with our list of the companies that have made a significant step in the growth in the future. We are certain that taking a look at this list will help you understand which companies are the most innovative ones in the market.