Shadowlands is controlled by 4 factions called covenants. By being a member of them, a player can acquire the necessary skills, as well as rewards according to the game role and class.
Any covenant provides basic and signature abilities. The basic one is used to travel around the game world. The signature ability belongs to a specific class and role.
Shadowlands is controlled by 4 factions called covenants. By being a member of them, a player can acquire the necessary skills, as well as rewards according to the game role and class.
Abilities are considered as combat qualities of a hero. It is not always possible to determine which one of them is the worst, as any of them may be important for the gamer during certain game situations.
A covenant grants not only individual abilities, but also mediums. Each of them is endowed with different skills. By obtaining all these important resources, you will be able to dispose of bonuses and other additional privileges in the game.
How to change a covenant?

According to covenants don’t always suit players. However, replacing them can be an even more difficult task. To do so, you will have to persuade the envoy of the new covenant in the Enclave of Oribos and prove the seriousness of your goal. After talking to him, all skills of the previous covenant will be taken away from you and the initial task of the next covenant will be assigned.
If you want return to the previous covenant along with your earned progress, you will need to complete quests for Kyrians, Necrolords, Night Fae and Venthyrs.
This quest will be the beginning of a whole series of quests, requiring only about two hours to complete and a reset of saves between the tasks. By returning to the covenant that was previously abandoned, you will be able to restore the quest and the previously acquired progress.
Basic Covenant abilities

Shadowlands offers its players four groups of covenants with their own abilities. Among the most famous there are:
• Summon Steward;
• Fleshcraft;
• Soul Shape;
• Door of Shadows.
The Kyrians are the inhabitants of the Bastion, resembling angels. They are always loyal to their order.
Their base ability is Summoner’s Summon. It is a vial of carelessness that can restore your health by 15%. It will also get you rid of curses, poisons and wounds. It’s hard to call this ability the best one. Rather it doesn’t bring the player the expected results. After all, the health regeneration is very low. In addition, each one of the provided abilities is active only once a day.
Necrolords are brave warriors defending the Dark Kingdom, which has been overrun by Lichs, scouts and military commanders.
The basic ability of Necrolords is the Fleshcraft. This talent is a powerful barrier of bones and flesh. By acquiring it, your character can avoid a loss of health by 20% and if it is near a dead man, his defense is increased up to 50%. The disadvantage of this ability is its limited effect, only 10 meters in distance, 4 seconds for supported spell, and this skill will need 2 minutes to recover. All those who fight on the side of Necrolords will be able to give bonuses to those who fight in the underground realm of the Theatre of Pain or Plague Cascades. The Night Fae is an army guarding the living creatures in Ardenweld. They also help the souls after death.
The basic ability of these heroes is Soul Shape. The player will be able to move a little faster using a special spell. In addition, the gamer will be able to activate this ability a second time to instantly jump 10 meters forward. Today gamers don’t consider this ability to be effective enough, because its effect is limited to 12 seconds and it will be necessary to wait 90 seconds for its restore.
Venthyrs possess all the properties of vampires. They severely punish the undeserving, as well as purify souls. The Door of Shadows is their basic ability. You will need to pass through a shadow to be able to teleport to any location. The disadvantage of this skill is that it only works for 35 meters. You can only use it for 1.5 seconds. It will take at least one minute to recover.
Class abilities

Each class receives a different set of abilities from the covenants. Any of them will be useful for a specific task. However, there are always exceptions to this list.
The ability «Shackle the Unworthy» will reduce your character’s damage by 5% when attempted by a sinner. Additionally, you can cause damage to your enemy with a spell that lasts for 14 seconds. The main reason why many gamers rank this ability as the worst is because it only works for one target. Equally disadvantageous is the lack of versatility of this skill due to its complex mechanics. But despite all the disadvantages, the «Shackle the Unworthy» is often used by fans to play in PvP, as well as in raids with bosses.
The effectiveness of this skill can be described as follows:
• Raid work: 5/5
• Torghast Dungeons in group: 2/5
• Torgast Dungeons – farming without a group: 3/5
• Game in PvP mode: 4/5
The Swarming Mist is one of Venthyrs’ most famous abilities. The hero of the game is surrounded by an impenetrable mist for eight seconds, which helps him to avoid being hit by 10%. Once per second you have a hitting power of 10 meters. Your dark magic consists 20% of your attack power. Any damage dealt by your hero grants 3 units of rune power until you max out. The advantage of this ability is its versatility, but many gamers don’t like it due to its weak effect and inability to deal significant damage to the enemy.
Necrolords can be endowed with the Abomination Limb. Then your character can grow an additional limb. It will easily cause 45% damage to attacking enemies up to 8 meters away. If an opponent is farther away, you can get him closer. There is no need to spend resources for this talent. The limb has a action range of 20m and is used instantly. It takes 2 minutes to regenerate this ability.
The Flesh Craft is another well-known class ability. Despite the criticism from some gamers, it is notable for its versatility. It can be used in almost any game circumstances.