You can ask many questions during a job interview, but one lingers above all else: Why should we hire you? If you have ever been on a case interview, you already know this, and it is an essential question to be answered. Of course, throughout the interview, you’ll be asked numerous questions, but you need to have prepared the answer for the one we mentioned above. The preparation for this type of interview is never easy, and people often fail to do them right. Later they ask themselves what went wrong without having a clear answer. If you are one of those people still left baffled about what went wrong, we are here to help you. In this article, we are going to discuss the four reasons why it is so hard to pass a case interview. Once you read these, you’ll probably understand what went wrong the last time you interviews for a job. Now, let’s see what makes the case interview so hard.
Logical Thinking
There’s no surprise here. You need to be able to think logically to pass this test. Case interviews are used to evaluate candidates and to see the way they approach various situations. It’s all about applying logic, about divulging complicated tasks into smaller ones more straightforward to take on. You’ll be tested by being put into a situation where you need to assess the principal issue presented before you and discover all the factors that led to it. It’s all about understanding the situation on the logic level. Once you find out the factors that caused the issue, are you going to be able to tell where they come from? All of this is expected from a candidate during a case interview. Once under pressure, your ability to rationalize and make conclusions will be tested. The recruiter will assess your ability at all times, and if you’re covering this step, you’ll be primed as a candidate that fits the position they require.
Lack Of Quickness

If you didn’t know it by now, this type of interview all have a time limit. The time limit creates additional pressure, and working under conditions when you’re running out of time makes you lose focus and concentration. If you feel this way for the duration of the whole interview, it can even lead to stress and anxiety, which is a reason to be worried about your chances of getting the job. The interviewer’s focus will be on explaining the case, and if you start worrying about the time before it’s due, it can damage your chances of being successful. Of course, no one is rushing you. But, it is expected of you to think logically and complete the task put in front of you quickly. Performing this task isn’t hard if you’re well prepared. If you come in unprepared for what awaits you, you could encounter problems. It is vital to know the structure of this interview and to be able to complete it quickly and with the use of direct logic.
Absence of Confidence

While you might get the impression that the one thing that matters is to provide a quick and accurate answer, this just not entirely right; it is also vital to present it in a confident and resonant way. This is something that the recruiter is going to pay special attention to. If you’re shaking while giving an answer, or your posture tells about the lack of confidence, it will signal that you do not operate very well under stress. Most high-end jobs require you to work well while facing pressurized tasks and situations. If you can handle a brief interview, you’re not sending out a positive picture about yourself to the recruiter. Be sure that they won’t react well if this is the situation you put yourself into. It all comes down to the color of your voice, body stature, and gesture you’ll have during the interview. Crossing your hands, avoiding eye contact, or slouching won’t impress anyone. Beware of behavior like that.
Not Being Smart Enough, or at Least Smarter

It’s not only about yourself. There isn’t a job interview where you’re going to be the only candidate excluding nepotism, or if you’re running for the president of Serbia – then you’re the only candidate. But, let’s be real, you will probably face stiff competition for a workplace that offers the right work conditions and a high-end salary. To attain this position, you’ll need not only to pass the case interview but also to beat all the other candidates. You need to be aware that they will come prepared as you, and possibly even better. We’re not even going to count on previous experience or education. The goal is not only to impress the recruiter but also to overshadow other candidates. Most recruiters face thousands of applications every month, and only a selected few get to have the interview. If you are one of them, you need to take your chances. Many of us forget the competitors, so we do not prepare enough. This is a mistake and one that needs to be corrected. It is not easy to outsmart other people, as some of them will probably be smarter. This is why you need to beat them out in the preparation section.
Closing Thoughts
As you can see, it’s not easy to pass a case interview. They’re made difficult with a reason. Now that you know a couple of facts why they come so severe, you can override them. If you prepare better than the last time and work harder on being better, there’s no reason not to pass it the next time. Now that you know this and are probably going through your last interview in your head, you can have a fresh start and have your next attempt a success. If you need more help in prepping for an interview, please click here.