Everyone needs to relax and have some time for themselves, and it is said that there is nothing better than a spa treatment. However, you don’t always have time to book a day or two in a spa center, and those things can cost a lot of money. So, if you are looking to have the perfect night of pampering yourself, you can make it happen with a few easy DIY steps.
You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to have a treatment and to make yourself feel happy and relaxed, and we are here to show you how! In this article, we are going to walk you through the whole process on how to create your own spa in the comfort of your home. Follow these tips and you can do that as often as you want, plus it is really inexpensive!
1. Prepare the bath

The first thing you need to do is prepare yourself a nice, warm bath. You can use different salts and other products that will make your skin smooth and that will help you relax.
Choose the scent that makes you comfortable, and experts suggest that soft, flowery notes can help you calm your mind down. Make sure to turn off your phone, or at least take it in the other room.
If you want, you can bring a book with you, or you can just focus on doing nothing, but closing your eyes and enjoying the long bath.
2. Candles

The next thing you should do is close the curtains in your bathroom and light some candles. You can choose scented ones that will complement the bath products, or you can put scentless candles that will just set the mood.
The flickering light will help you meditate and the flames will help you feel even more relaxed. The reason why many centers use candles instead of lights is that when the room is darker, people feel free and they can only concentrate on relaxing.
3. Music

Nothing can be complete without some chillout music in the background. The right songs can help you close your eyes and just enjoy the perfect DIY spa night. You should not choose loud music that will make you anxious or hyper, instead, you should choose something that will calm your mind and body down.
Chill Out Radio suggests that you should choose the station depending on the mood you are in. There are a lot of different stations that offer some relaxation music, and if you don’t want to get distracted by the lyrics, you should choose an acoustic station. That way you can enjoy your favorite tunes, without focusing on the words.
4. Decoration

The decorations make a huge difference because you want to transform your bathroom into something that will resemble a professional spa center. You can do this by adding some rose petals in the water, or just by choosing a new set of towels for this occasion.
You can even add some small wall lights that change colors, but make sure you don’t choose too bright lights. You can even reuse your Christmas lights. That way you won’t have to spend money, and you can use things you already have at home.
The sky is the limit when it comes to this, so if there is an object that makes you feel better, you should put it in the bathroom while you enjoy your night.
5. Products

Don’t forget to pamper yourself and tonight is the night when you can do anything you want. You can start by giving yourself a manicure and a pedicure, or you can try the face mask you’ve always wanted to try, but never had the time.
You should also get some products that will make your hair shinier, and your skin softer. You can put as many different products as you want because you finally have the time to do everything you’ve been postponing.
When you lay in the bathtub you should forget about everything that’s making you upset or stressed. Focus on making yourself feel beautiful and on improving your health.
6. Get a massage

If you want to go one step further, then you can book a massage therapist and have them come to your home. Make sure you choose a professional that is safe and recommended by others.
Even though you will need to spend some money on this, it will be worth it. And in case you don’t want to, you can get some products that will help you give yourself a massage.
Focus on massaging your face with some good serum or moisturizers to help your skin heal faster. You can also massage your hands and feet and relieve some of the stress you are feeling.
7. Sleep

This should go without saying, but you need to get some rest after your spa night. When you are done pampering yourself, you should focus on letting your body and your mind finally get some good night’s sleep.
The best way to do this is to start with your treatment around 7 PM so you can be done an hour or two before midnight. After that, try to stay away from any electronic devices including your phone. Everything can wait until tomorrow.
Lay down in your bed, and if you cannot fall asleep right away, you can read your favorite book. Don’t watch TV because it can interrupt your sleep.
These are some of the things you can do to create a perfect DIY spa night. You can follow our tips and add anything else that would make you feel better. Remember that the water in your tub should not be too hot and that if you add some essential oils or bath salts, you will make the experience even better.
Sheet face masks are a great option when you don’t want to spend too much time on skincare and when you just want to lie down in the tub and calm your body and mind down. You should do these things at least once per month and you will notice the health benefits after only a few treatments.