Writing academic work is usually one of the basic things that students are generally required to do irrespective of whichever career or course they pursue. These include the writing of reports, assignments, proposals, projects, essay writing, other research work among many more. And for one to be able to write these academic work correctly as required, they ought to possess at least some necessary skills that will guide them through and enable them to write well.
This will eventually enable them to be in a position to score high marks which translates to good grades at the end of it all. Acemyhomework pointed out that many learners and other academic writers are not quite conversant with some of these essential skills. This article will provide you with 11 practical tips on how to improve your academic writing skills.
1. Broad Reading

For one to effectively conduct writing, they are required to have a vast knowledge of the subject they are required to write on. This can only be achieved by reading widely. For instance, when one is bound to write on business affairs, they should have the idea gained from personal reading regardless of whether they have been taught on the same or not. This, therefore, means that proper research and thorough investigation on the subject of writing is necessary before doing any academic paper. Broad reading also enables a person to at least have some ideas on the various field, thus allowing them to have the confidence to write on whichever area they are called upon to write on.
Broad reading also entails subscribing and reading works of say your competitors or those who do writing on the same topic. By doing such, you will not only learn essential concepts from their work but also you will be able to make other vital corrections in the mistakes which you may have easily made if you fail to go through such work and writings.
2. Proper Planning And Work Structuring

Before an individual begins any academic writing, it is so that proper planning of the same is done in prior. Planning ensures that the objective of the writing is met, the relevance of the work achieved, and the structure appears as expected. Preparation includes gathering the necessary resources for reference and foreseeing whether the targeted outcome will be met. It can as well involve researching the specific area that one is supposed to write on. Work structuring should also ensure the structure remains formal and as instructed.
3. Formality In Style And Tone

One is required to use an explicit language that is appropriate for the target audience. A formal language easily captures the reader’s attention and enables them to pay a fundamental interest in the writer’s works. When writing, the tone should also be reader-friendly and engaging. This will prevent the reader from losing concentration before completion of reading that particular document.
The tone should also be courteous and polite for ethical purposes. Certain words must just be mentioned in a manner that they do not appear vulgar to the reader, but instead, they should come out politely without losing the intended meaning. Moreover, it is good to ensure that when someone else will be reading your work, it comes out the way it would have been had you been telling it to them verbally. A sense of communication should be seen.
4. Always Practice

This is a critical practical concept in academic writing. For one to almost achieve perfection, a lot of practice is required. This, therefore, means that one should make it their routine to write and practice at least per day. This will help a writer to improve on their tenses, grammar, and even broaden their way of thinking so that they generate or learn new ideas every day.
It also helps a person to develop self-confidence in such writings because they would be doing it daily, contrary to when a person does it only when called upon. They often are never sure of what exactly should be done. It is, therefore, essential to practice more and make it a routine to improve significantly in your academic writing skills.
5. Proofreading Your Work Before Submission

It is one of the essential steps that should always be done just before submitting one’s written material. It is meant for the correction of the errors that might have occurred during writing. Such errors may include; spelling mistakes, inappropriate punctuations, grammatical errors, omissions, improper structuring of sentences, poor agreement of subject and verb agreement, and many more. During proofreading, one should also read their work loudly to hear whether the intended meaning comes out as expected.
6. Use Of Simple Language

The language used by the writer should be in its purest form for a more fundamental understanding of the content. The writer should avoid too long and complicated sentences—things such as shortening of words, use of acronyms, and even the use of slang. Colloquial expressions should also be avoided. Simple, expressive sentences should instead be used. Complicated vocabularies that may force the reader to find meaning while reading should be avoided. However, the intended expression of an idea should not be lost in the struggle to merely the language.
7. Target The Expectations Of Audience

The writer should always purpose in meeting the expectations of the reader. The work was written should always answer the questions that may run through the minds of the readers. Not only should it talk about the things that are known to the readers, but instead, it should be able to challenge them and add new knowledge to the readers. The writer should always focus on communicating the audience and at least educating them. This will still raise the curiosity of the audience to read whenever they meet such a writer’s work. In academic writings, the volume of the work should also be enough to satisfy the reader, giving full information required.
8. Submit Work To Peers For Reading And Criticism

After writing, you should submit your work to fellow peers and writers for them to go through and criticize where necessary. This is a first step to learn and improve more since there are usually other mistakes which you may commit and fail to notice. Therefore, doing this will give them a chance to correct you and share in their opinions and skills which may be of great importance in terms of learning and improving. It enables the writer’s colleagues an opportunity to add him or her any other relevant idea that they might have forgotten when writing.
Testing is also crucial and needs to be done to kick start yourself and determine how much you can do or manage to do. For instance, one needs to try writing something small at least beginning from half a page, and see whether they can handle it. When this is done the proceeding from there and even writing more becomes not only a dream but reality.
9. Complete Entire Work Before Beginning Any Corrections

It is of great importance to always complete the entire work before starting any corrections, and rectifications which may be needed. It allows smooth flow of content and whatever you plan to put down in writing since limited or no chances of forgetting or confusing whatever you plan to write on. This also saves on time since writing while editing may take quite a long time. It enables one also to avoid unnecessary repetitions.
10. Create A Still And Conducive Working Environment

The writer should always create a quiet and conducive atmosphere for academic writing, free from noise and disruptions. Frequent movements and any other source of destructions such as hunger should be catered for before beginning, to ensure maximum concentration while writing. The lighting in the room should be enough; the seats and the writing surface should also be comfortable to the writer. This ensures maximum concentration without any confusion and any cause of inconveniences.
11. Avoid Unnecessary Repetitions And Edit Your Work

When writing academic work, one needs to avoid the act of doing unnecessary repetitions of either lines or sentences which will, in turn, make the work boring to read and with less content. For instance, repeating the same line at the beginning of every paragraph or chapter is of less importance because it will just add bulk to it but with less or even no content. This will not meet the intended goal of such writings.
It is also essential to always employ active voice when writing instead of the use of past tense, which will make the work more exciting and even easy to do grammatical corrections where needed. This is so because passive voice constructions make the job look like the author or the writer is somehow not known.
You can also employ a skilled online editor for your writing. This will be very important in helping you identify a specific error of writing or committed when writing, informing you on reasons why there are errors, and going ahead to assist you in doing corrections to them. Such can also enable you to manipulate and choose from a wide range of settings that are suitable for the kind of writing you are doing.