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Planning a Backyard Wedding on a Budget – 2024 Guide

If you have found a person you want to share with all the time in this world and celebrate it with your loved ones, then the wedding organization is waiting for you!

The big day is coming that you’ve been dreaming about for so long. Every day, the excitement increases as the uncertainty increases from minute to minute. You think about your day eagerly waiting for it. And quite naturally, you want everything to be absolutely perfect. But before you turn your dreams into reality, it is imperative that you think carefully about organization of whole event.

This event requires a lot of work and good organization, so start with a minimum of ten months in advance. We have prepared a small reminder of all your commitments, which will make it easier to organize and save valuable time.

After setting a date, first agree with your partner what you want. This is where the wishes of the future married couple often diverge, so it is best to talk honestly. It is important then to compile a preliminary guest list and according to your budget, as this is crucial for the next steps.

Also, it is a big event that requires a large sum of money, if we are talking about big celebrations and a lavish wedding ambience that most newlyweds decide on. Below are some great budget planning tips to help you cover all the cost without the headache, and have the wedding you always dreamed of.

A backyard wedding

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Save space and, on the other hand, make your day look like a fairytale! It’s a backyard wedding. If you are one of the lucky ones who own their own yard, and even if it’s big enough, consider and consider celebrating your wedding right there, because such have become a real trend!

They are really great: they are intimate, comfortable and often not such a big expense. Keep in mind that there are countless ways to turn your backyard wedding into just about anything you want!

Just breathe

No, we’re not kidding. We are very serious. While this may seem like a joke, believe that your peace and your stability is the most important prerequisite for it to be carefully planned without much stress. On your way to organizing it, you can come across many obstacles that are mostly caused by the human factor, and in later lines we will explain why. Therefore, in order not to be accompanied by unnecessary feelings of guilt or chronic exhaustion, you should learn to relax at the outset.

Share your dreams with your partner

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You must have fantasized about it from a young age. And you certainly haven’t forgotten that today. In order not to let the harsh reality disperse your dreams, share your imagination with your most important person in the world – your partner. Organization cannot be complete unless you have a clear and precise picture of what your day should look like at the very beginning. Do not forget the most important, so first share your impression of it with a partner, create a clear picture, and then move on to the next step, which is a little less fabulous and romantic.

Budget planning

This step, like everyone else, has a deep connection with the first and second steps: therefore a relaxed approach and healthy communication between you and your partner. Budget planning is the most stressful step in the first stage of planning. Then many disputes arise and a swirl of negative energy moves. So, stop in time, take a deep breath and speak honestly with your partner. The first thing to do is to see how much money you really have that is earmarked for your wedding. Focus on the money you have, not the one you might get from guests.

Not bad if you barely fit the budget. It is quite possible to organize a fantastic event, and we will suggest some tips that you can take advantage of. So we move on to the next step.

Set priorities

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It is very easy to get excited when choosing tablecloth or candle color, but first of all it is necessary to solve – without which it is impossible – what is most important to both of you. The most important thing at this stage is to determine what really costs a lot and what you can save on, so you won’t regret it later.

Record all expenditures

It’s simple, it’s impossible to keep a large number of details in your head! Choose the easiest way to write down the costs that will be most convenient for you, for example: tables in EXCEL, an online application on your smartphone, or just grab a note and write down to the details. For example, expenses for preparing the bride and groom…

In practice, not including expensive gifts, there are a dozen other things that are necessary for one wedding. By clearly and accurately planning how much money you have spent and on what – you can estimate expenses and if necessary adjust the budget so that you do not miss anything.

Get started on time

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Start planning it early and this will help you raise the amount you need, but choose the best organizers and decorators and get the best price for their services. Scheduling your wedding dress for two weeks to the ceremony, you pay more for the emergency service. So it’s better to put together a detailed preparation schedule – write down the tasks and when you need to solve them.

Be realistic

Maybe you dreamed of a huge wedding dress or one from a famous designer. If you can’t afford it in real life, you don’t need to be upset about it – saving money does not mean forgetting about the wedding you dreamed of. That same cake might be a little smaller or wedding dresses from home collections a little cheaper.

Learn to value your capabilities in real terms and most importantly soberly. The backyard ceremony is ideal for a budget wedding. Here are some more ideas.

What is first necessary is that you have a tent under which the ceremony will take place. You can see different models and prices on

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For example, you can have a super party without a DJ. Make a playlist with your partner. Make a list of your favorite songs and get yourself speakers. Assign someone to take care of the music, but also the technical elements so you don’t run out of music.

Also, there are many alternatives to floral decoration. Just pick the flowers. Consider picking fresh flowers that you can get for free. This can be a nice and, at the same time, cheaper alternative. If your yard itself is already sufficiently decorated with flowers, you are in luck because you can cross at least one thing from the list.

Instead of a full bar of drinks, make cocktails that are certainly more economical. In order not to offend guests, make sure there are several types of drinks to keep all guests happy.

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Make your backyard space glamorous and at the same time adequate by adding a buffet. This is a far cheaper option. Speaking of food, you can make your own wedding cake, cakes or other dishes. Why not practice your culinary skills, and this is certainly cheaper than ordering food.

We have another great suggestion for you, which is vintage style. Why buy new when you can buy it at a vintage shop for almost twice as cheap? You can buy tableware or vintage vases. This alternative may look very nice.

Design your invitations yourself. Making invitations can take time, but only if you have the talent and an eye for detail can you save a lot. Find some interesting ways to make invitations online and get creative!


Some of these tips will certainly help you in planning your most important day in life, and we hope to contribute to a successful organization. Our last piece of advice is to not compare your wedding to any other wedding. And remember that the most important thing on that day is that you and your family be together.

About Peter Janos